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Position:Home>Philosophy> Optimist, pessimist, cynic, realist, idealist...can someone give me a BRIEF summ

Question: Optimist, pessimist, cynic, realist, idealist!.!.!.can someone give me a BRIEF summary/definition of each!.!?
also can u be a cynic and idealist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mr!. hiphop got all but one you see a cynic by definition is "A person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness; A person whose outlook is scornfully negative"!. An Idealist on the other hand is "someone guided more by ideals than by practical considerations"!. sound like polar opposites to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

optimist = sees glass half -full!.
pessimist = sees glass half empty!.
realist = sees the big picture intact warts and all!.
idealist = sees a picture of what could be
cynic = sees everyone out for themselves

yes I think it is perfectly possible and sane for someone to hope for the the best and be prepared for the worst!.

None of the above need to be attached to value judgements/blame they can all be neutral evaluations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

optimist- always sees the good in things!. The person who always says "oh well, at least!.!.!.!."

pessimist- opposite of optimist!. Seem to think that something won't work out because things never work out!. blame a lot of it on bad luck, or on how life sucks

cynic- Someone who's sort of sarcastic!. They see questions as stupid and often kind of dismiss the questions as if they're stupid and meant for a 2 year old!.

realist- Someone who see's things practically!. Like sure you can plan something, but what will actually happen in reality

idealist- opposite of realist!. Daydream a bit, only think of big picture, never the gritty detailsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Optimist - looks for/sees the bright side of things!.
Pessimist - sees the dark side of things!.
Cynic- assumes the worst of people/human nature
Realist - more concerned with reality!.
Idealist - more concerned with what is!.!.!.well, "ideal"!. A dreamer, so to speak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

optimism - optimum; the greatest

pessimism - the lowest of lows, bottom

cynicism - the philosophy of dogs

realism - the touching of a concept, in which its validity is proven

idealism - the process of manifesting conceptsWww@QuestionHome@Com