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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the US a free country by keeping other countries from being free?

Question: Is the US a free country by keeping other countries from being free!?
I thought that I might feel but wont affirm!.
I thought I encourage you to praise or do exactly the oposite!.!.!.
Let me read what you have to say!
Don't be afraid to elaborate and expand your mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, we are resource pirates!. If you do a little research, you'll find that the U!.S!. systematically infiltrates a country and then either buys out it's natural resources or steals them!. Times they are a changing though and I fear we will be like Rome in due time, just a memory and a history lesson!.

Have none of you taken a political science class!?

To the person who responds that we can't keep other nations from being free I say this; when our country drains others of their natural resources, thus rendering them impoverished it tends to change the fabric of said society!. Can you not acknowledge that freedom may be a second when it comes to survival!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose that a country is really only ever "free" if there is anarchy!.
Personally, I think that in our attempt to make other countries like ours (because, of course, our way is the "right" way), we have only succeeded in creating an imperialistic nation!. Which, as history indicates, is not usually a good thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you assume that the US is a free country!?

A big part of why the US is not a free country is because we keep invading other countries!. It is impossible to be free where invasion is concerned; one is always afraid of retaliation, one is always afraid to speak out in times of war, one is always afraid when their dollar doesn't amount to anything and people are hungry!.

This concept of Mr!. Bush to 'liberate' nations is not an American one, but rather an ideological experiment; one that has obviously been proven to be absolutely of no benefit to anyone other than profiteers - most of whom are friends of the American government and enemies of the American people!.

God forgive us!.

At this point in time in America I could be arrested for treason for writing these remarks!.

God forgive us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

America is a free country, and aren't it's inhabitants lucky! Far luckier than the citizens of countries like Afghanistan, who now live in a law-less land, in constant fear for their safety!. I'm from the UK and I think that the USA and its foreign policy, attacking countries because they have assets such as oil, is incredibly underhand!.
I'm not saying it is just the USA at fault!. We have behaved appaulingly too!. But to some extent I think we are America's little side-kick - what she says goes, and we follow with our tails between our legs!. We've all got blood, and oil, on our hands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what do you mean saying US free Country!? Freedom creates freedom!.!.!.Slavery creates slavery!.!.!.Freedom does not create slavery!. There is a law of Attraction -same attract the same!.!.well Law of creation is adequate!.!.Same creates the same!.!.Essence is the same, forms would be different!.!.!.!.!.!.That one takes time to comprehandWww@QuestionHome@Com

The U!.S!. being free and other countries being free have nothing to do with each other!. They are two separate premises!. Check out this logic:

Freedom is the ability to be free
The U!.S!. is a Free Country
Therefore, other countries are not free

It doesn't make senseWww@QuestionHome@Com

US is supposed to help other countries to be free countries, but in practice it could happen that US keeping other countries from being free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Well in my opinion, "CupCake" does and I'm an Aussie in Auss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'freedom' is a word of propaganda used to control the people of the US!.!.!.!.you are not free!.!.!.!.you just chant a forced slogan of 'freedom' every morningWww@QuestionHome@Com

no i don't believe that!. the us doesn't have a lot of power over how other countries decide to run their governmentsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you say that we are keeping other countries from being free!? I don't agree with your premis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That aside, we arent a free country anyway!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, we're trying to make other countries free if you look at history and the newsWww@QuestionHome@Com