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Question: I need to figure out how to live my life!.!.!.!?
I am 15, I am going to be a sophomore this upcoming year!. I have made a hell of a lot of 'bad decisions' and 'mistakes' to lead to where I am says people I know, but these people seem to never make me happy, worry me, and im in a constant bum type of attitude after having to deal with them!. I am interested in the ways of scarface, "money !. power !. respect" and by these rules I wish to set standards for myself!. I'm not a christian, I am strongly against believing in a belief in a higher power than myself as in not being self absorbed but living my life because I only have one life to live!. I need to figure this **** out!. I am intelligent, cunning, smart, strong, bold, and I want to be able to keep tight connections with friends, and quit living a false life!. I am interested in being a soldier for the us, but I don't like knowing im defending a country where it's in such chaos of itself back home, and a government thats so effin fake these days!. PLEASE AND THANK YOUWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Speaking from experience, do not define Yourself from the mistakes you've made, but what you Learn from them!. Do not let anyone else define you either!.
There have been many times in my life life where I have had to , what I call "!.!.!.flush the toilet"!. What I mean by that is: When your friends are bringing you down, it is time to flush the toilet and find new ones!. If it is your family: Sorry, they will always be your family, but!.!.!.!.in time family forgives your mistakes because they love you and you are their blood!. Friends, not so much!.!.!.they don't always forgive or forget!. Family should always be more important! Friends come and go!.
At 15 your focus should be on school, sports, girls, and good Clean fun! If you focus on school, and go on to college, you can have anything you want out of life!. Don't wait until it is too late!. I did, and I wish I could do it over, the right way!.
I was in the USAR, as a combat medic!. However, I worked in a hospital here in the states!. I loved it, except the hurry up and wait game they play!. There are many jobs in the military that don't involve going to war and you get a great education out of it as well, and money for college!.
Our country isn't in as bad a shape as alot of others!. It is what it is!. If you think it needs changing, go into politics and do something about it!. Bitching doesn't get us anywhere, but action to change things does!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The key is to find what makes you happy and forget about everyone else!. If they love you they will understand!.
As far as the mistakes, don't worry over them!.!.!. I know you might not want to hear this, but everyone screws up!.!.!.a lot!. Every mistake only helps you grow as a person!. And right now you're still young!. Don't worry so much!. Enjoy life, enjoy your friends and stop worrying about the future!. It will all work itself out!. Life never gives you anything you can't handle!.
And I don't want you to think this is just a bunch of rambling based on my religion!. I'm not religious, not even Christian!.
Like you said you only have one life to live, stop fretting over it and live! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am 20, and I have also made a lot of bad decisions, and wasted a lot of valuable time!.

All i have to say, is listen to your heart!. when you meet people, always try to see if they are honest good people, who could be friends for a lifetime!. and if you think something is interesting, GO FOR IT! i couldn’t stress this enough!. One thing i learned is; no one but yourself could make your dreams come true!. Find the motivation deep inside yourself, and become that person you always dreamed to be!.

good luck with everything!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's easy for people to slip off into a state of doldrums wherein people feel depressed or disgruntled with the things and people around them!. Feeling listless, directionless, confused, angry or bitter!. There's just so many reactions to being in such a state!.

Unfortunately, even though getting there is easy, sometimes getting out isn't!. But sometimes the level of difficulty in changing one's situation can depend upon one's own perspective and or level of determination and optimism (or, pessimism)!.

I recall very well being 15 and I know those mid-to-late teen years can be somewhat overwhelming! So many emotions taking place, so many open-field choices, etc!., and the sense that things are happening either far too slowly or else far too quickly; not too much in-between time!.

I would suggest trying to focus on things which are not only of interest to you, but likewise things which are or seem constructive (and not detrimental to others)!. Things that, once accomplished, can make you feel like "I've just done something I feel good about" rather than "I've just wasted another pointless day"!.

Try not to dwell on the negatives and unknowns too much!. And keep in mind a negative can usually be turned into a positive!. It's not ALL bad!. =) Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world is big!. Tremendously so!. Your life is bigger!. There is so much to contemplate!. Be curious, I think you are already!. Try things you wouldn't normally try!. Not dangerous things, but things!. Like go to a church - just once!. Actually stay!. Go there so you'll know first hand what is going on there!. Then, go someplace else - for the same reason!. To know!. Experience is the best teacher!. Don't do drugs, that teacher has taught us all - without even have met us!. We know too much about that already!. Find out things you didn't know!. What TV - mute it when you realize they're talking about something you don't know about!. Smack the computer and go to the web - read about it!. Do it again!. Read the yellow pages - yup, the yellow pages!. See what kinda jobs people in the world have - if it sounds interesting to you!. Find a shady spot in a park - on a bench!. Take so water - watch people!. See if you can figure out what they're doing - what they're saying!. You will begin to see where you fit into this big blue marble!. Maybe you'll become famous - maybe - you'll remember me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your first mistake is not believing or not being a christian!. Well you say you dont want to hear that!. My friend try it!. Thats all I ask!. I have been down the road to hell and back!. All I ask is you get a Bible out and read some!. You will be surprised as to what you will find!. God will help you reach your dreams but only if they are respectful!. Your plan hasnt worked so far so it wont hurt to try this one!. Hope you find what your looking for!. From one that has learned the hard way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you watch the end of the movie Scarface!. He died in a bloody mess, alone!. That is where 'the ways of scarface' brought Mr!. Tony Montana!. With roll models like this, you could possibly end up with nothing, just like the movie!. You think this man commanded respect, you are wrong!. Only other foolish lawless men would respect a person like him!. People that abide by the law and do good and are honorable, think that he and his ways are that of a thug!. He got what was coming to him!.

You see, what ever you do, good or bad, in the same portion that you sewed, you shall also have in return!. So if you live your life giving, caring, loving, donating, helping others!. You will also get these things to come back to you from other people!.
And you will be so much happier and respected for being that wonderful person that you have the power to be!. Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

You do seem like a very smart person, but all I can do is offer my opinion!. You are certainly free to dismiss it, but here goes!. Try not to be close-minded to the Higher Power concept!. To me, at least, it makes sense that we were designed and built by a Creator!. Our bodies are much more complicated than a car and we don't believe Toyotas just arose by chance, do we!? We were designed by God for a purpose!. If we don't allow ourselves to be held and used by God, then we are like a hammer, just sitting in a toolbox, not doing what it was intended to do!. A hammer would rather be hammering nails, right!? I believe God designed us to be in a relationship with Him and being used by Him to make this world a better place!. If we are not connected with Him, then we feel empty and useless in life!. Just my two cents, not trying to force you into anything!. Here's a link which explains things better!. no money involved!.


Scarface is a dismal example of a man!. Everything that he thought would bring him joy brought him ruin instead!. It sounds like you have been betrayed recently and you are angry about your inability to see it coming!. It happens to all of us, more than once!. Sometimes you can see it coming and sometimes you can't!.

First of all, respect yourself more!. If you think you are going to get through life without making mistakes then you have some surprises coming your way!. The key is not to beat yourself up over the bad decisions you have made, plenty of other people will try to do that for you!. Take the lesson in stride and try not to repeat your behavior!.

It is really hard to know who you are at 15, since there are so many things you haven't experienced yet!. Try to keep your mind on the simple things like telling the truth, and being nice!.

Second, shut up and listen!. We spend far too much time talking and being distracted by the external, thinkng it somehow defines us!. The wise man stays quiet and has people think he is a fool, the fool opens his mouth and proves it!. One of the best tools you will learn in life is discernment!. You can't learn it without opening your ears and heart!. This is going to require you to take a risk and make yourself vulnerable!. This is how you become a strong man!.

Third, find a mentor!.!.!.especially a man in your community who stands for the things you want to be!. Just make sure he is a man worthy of your attention!. Men who are gangsters or power hungry or have no humility are NOT worthy!. Men who take care of their responsibilities, know how to love, when to fight and when to concede ARE worthy!.

I hope this helps!. Namaste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com