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Position:Home>Philosophy> My friend is only 15 and she fell in love with her 34 year art teacher?

Question: My friend is only 15 and she fell in love with her 34 year art teacher!?
i want to give her more advice!. something that would help!. she talks and cries about him!. tell what you think!. is it wrong!. what can i tell her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well time is on her side!.
She will grow and mature and will find one day that a crush of love for someone else is a phase we all go through at one time in our life or another!.
It's good that she has you to cry her hurts, and it is good that you are listening and care for her, but what is even better is that the girl has enough sense to leave the man alone!.
Apparently she has some idea of how devastating something like that can be to an adult male!.
Good for her, but let her have the time she needs to mature into adulthood with the right perspectives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am sorry to say it's not right!. The art teacher should give up the relationship so as the girl!.

In most cases, the teacher thinks he could control the little girl as he knows "everything" and have "resources"!.

Think in this way, after 10 years, the girl just starts her work life after University!. And the man is already in his middle 44!.
When the girl has some achievement in her career, say in 10 years, the man is already 54, thinking about retirement!. !.!.!.
How could this "pair" to match each other as their "developmental stage" is that a big difference!.!.!.!.

not to mention the teacher mostly is for "control" and "sex" ONLY!. It is not love but in the name of love for personal satisfaction!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

The teacher does not able to hold a 25-30 years old, so, he has to get a trial on a 10 years younger !!!

Poor guy !
Poor girl !Www@QuestionHome@Com

First I would ask her if she wants to see him in jail!. Because that's what will happen if they are actually seeing each other that way and are found out!.

If she thinks she loves him, maybe on that alone, she could find the courage to give him up, at least for now, until she turns 18!. By then, she will most likely have gotten over him!.

Best to keep her busy for now, and keep her mind off of him!. If she is seeing him, have you thought about going to her parents!? If he has so much as touched her, he is a child molester!!! He will most likely do it to another child!. He needs to be stopped, if this is the case!! Next time he could truly hurt someone in ways that are unimagineable!.

Weigh the options with the possible outcome, if it looks like it could go badly for her, tell an adult, sometimes we have to, to protect those we care about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well shes probally going through a deep crush!. like an infatuation!. its not something common but it does happen to certain people and could totally destroy your life if you dont take action to change it!. it is benifical to have this trait, but only in a moderation and realistic perspective!. The most you can do for her is help her get over it!. examples:
1!. Get her to meet other guys!. Sure he might be the "right one" for her in her eyes, but it dosnt mean you cant find someone new to chat with right!?
2!. Distract her- get off the topic of the guy as best as u can!. like go shopping and stuff, anything to distract her from it will make her feel a lot better!.
3!. She has to get over him- the most you can do is influence her, you cannot not change her your self!.

hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

yup dat happened 2 mii friend too!. But tell her that there is no possibility that she could go with him!. I bet he cares more about his job!. And he wont leave his job for her!. Tell her that he wont pay no attention to her!.
And that is not love!. Love is a true feeling!. Not because you like any guy is love it is called LIKE or OBSESSION for someone!.
According to the dictionary love is a a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a typical crush!. She can't date or be with her art teacher!. He is way too old for her, and he would go to jail if they became an item!. She needs to find someone closer to her own age!. Not to sound mean, but, she doesn't even know the meaning of love yet!. She will when she gets older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If she's 15, she can't leagally get married yet!. She will probably get over him by the time she's allowed to get married, and move on to someone her age!. Good luck to you and your friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The good news is you are there for her!.

The bad news is she'll be 65 when he gets released!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it away happen your friend does not like him she just think he cute trust me she get over itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Tell her to wait till she's 18!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

criminals are hawt!Www@QuestionHome@Com