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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you had a choice between living forever or die at some point, what would you

Question: If you had a choice between living forever or die at some point, what would you do!?
being alive is both great and painful!. dig deep and answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
forever is a long long long time, so long i cant even comprehend it! To see us use the world untill it all ends!? I think death!. Death makes us have something to live for really, we want to live our life to the fullest, be as happy and successful as possible!.!.!.if we had forever there would be no pressure so people would probably give up and not care about reaching their goals as itd always be !.!.!.!.!.we can do it later!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It'd bore me to tears, living forever and watching everyone around me 'Cark It'!. Watching everyone, I hold dear 'Cark It' eventually!. Answering inane questions, about totally irrelevant and pointless subjects!. That have been repeated, in different forms, for 'Forever and a day'!.

When the time comes shut the box lid, plant me in a hole in the ground, shovel the dirt on the box!. Rather, I would prefer just putting me in a Box and the box being put into a crematorium and the ashes cast off the Pier at Albany in a nice Northerly Gale!. ! ! !Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would die because it would be to harsh on my body!. Although it would be interesting if I could live to see all the amazing changes that will occur throughout time!. Ultimately I would still prefer to die at one point!. Who knows, it might turn out for the worse in the future and I wouldn't want to go through all that destruction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I had a choice; I would choose living forever!. But you can't actually live forever so the technical answer would be to die at some point!. None of us would live forever! If you were to live forever, you would have to be very healthy and stay away from accident-prone areas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death won't matter!.!.once you die!. Have never feared the big sleep!.!.!.done most of what I have wanted to do in life!. Worked in hospitals for over 25 years!.!.!.seen many varied reactions to dying!.!.!.most go in peace!.!.!.knowing the struggle is over!. When it comes!.!.!.I hope I do face it with dignity and calm!. Have no control over it!.!.!.so why fight it! taggerWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love life and would love to live a long and healthy life!. But I would want to be with my family also!. Therefore at some point, I'd want to go and be with my Lord and my family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Follow the flow, I have to die !.!.!.!.!.!. to another stage of life, if any!.

Nobody want to redo his job again and again no matter how successful it is!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Living forever means death !.!.!.so enjoy!.!.!.!.!.even death isnt forever !.!.so LIVE !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would choose to die at a point of my choosing especially if pain and disability gave me no quality of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've already made that choice by accepting Christ as my savior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To die!. who wanna live forever!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

we do not have this choice!.

the answer is "Mu"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If my family and friends could live forever too then yeah!.!.!. but if they couldnt then no i wouldnt either!.!.!.!. they are my life line!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have a cup of cocoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well I guess I'm one of those rare few who would choose to live forever!. Sure life is bad at times, but overall it's much more good!.

As for having to watch family & friends die (assuming either the choice wasn't available to them, or they chose not to), well, we all do that now!. It's unbelievably painful when a loved one dies, but time really does heal all wounds!. And it's not like we couldn't make new relations!.

For those who fear eternal boredom, boredom is for those uncreative enough to find something interesting to do with their time!. There will always be new people to meet, new places to go and explore (and we won't be staying on this one planet forever!), new things to learn, new books & other things to read, new jobs to learn, new plays/movies/holovids to watch, etc!. etc!. Off the top of my head I can think of enough things to keep me occupied for the next few millennia at least, and I'm sure in that time I could think of many more things to do!.

As for those who would refuse for religious reasons, if that's their belief then fine, I won't try to change their mind!. But if forever is too long, how long is long enough!? If medical science allowed people to live for 500 years, or 10,000 years, would that be OK with their beliefs!? 1,000,000 years!? What is ANY finite amount of time compared to the infinite time after death!? And if they wouldn't want to live forever here but expect to live forever in heaven, I wonder also about the boredom argument!. What would they expect to be doing in heaven in another few trillion years!?

I want to live forever not so much out of a fear of death as a love of life!. I want to see it all, do it all, experience it all, learn it all!. I want to ride alongside humanity as its civilizations rise, fall, and rise again!. I want to watch humanity finally mature as a species, and to see what our descendants evolve into next!. I want to be there when we finally and truly become first an interplanetary species, then an interstellar species, and then an intergalactic species!. And none of this is going to happen in the space of a few measly human lifetimes!

Below are a couple links to books on immortality!. The first one is fiction, by the late great Robert A!. Heinlein!. It's about the first immortal and how he copes with the millennia he lives through!. The second is more science, and explains how it might be possible even in the coming decades to expand the human lifespan indefinitely through radical advances in medical technology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com