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Question: Friedrich Nietzsche on knowledge!?
I quote Friedrich Nietzsche who stated "We no longer love our knowledge enough, once we have communicated it"!.

Tell me how you percieve the truth or distruth in his statement and what it means to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It almost sounds pompous, almost bordering on "I've forgotten more than you'll ever know!." As if, anything that is shared isn't worth sharing; that it no has no value!. We all have a tendency to hoard things we love!.!.!.but honestly I think the majority of us like to impart our knowledge and love doing it!. It not only serves others, it feeds the ego!.

Every writer who has written a self help book, a teacher, an inventor, any scientist anyone with sought after information!.!.!.loves imparting their knowledge and the benefits it brings to others; not to mention the monetary value it brings to them in return!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could tackle this from a hundred angles:
Psychologically!? Everything sounds better in your head, when you speak it it begins to sound ridiculous--
Build on to Philosophy: Because we haven't got the necessary tools to accurately convey every single synapse-connected-to-a-memory which was instrumental in our coming to that conclusion!.
Language is an interestingly weak thing!. It isn't condensed enough, and it is too intertwined with our experience to be a true means of expressing ideas!. In order to explain every memory, piece of reading, and thought that led up to your particular piece of knowledge in a way that will be comprehended exactly right by the person on the other end!.
I think it's a truthful statement!. It speaks to both self-doubt and the less-than-facile language we've develop and never systematically replaced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Nietzsche means to point out that knowledge is insatiable!.

Once something is communiated, it no longer holds as much interest as it once did!.

I once heard that human beings like to look at mountains from afar because they are beautiful!. Whenever we actually to the mountains to climb on them, we may realize it is just a bunch of rocks!.

Hope is something that keep humans going!. Knowledge that can be obtained also keeps us going!. We have to keep a carrot in front of us to keep us happy in our life, both with hope and knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What Nietzsche can teach you about knowledge is that it's hard to acquire when you're full of yourself!.

Falling in love with one's oft espoused opinion seems more the human condition, than something we have regretfully grown out of!.

Nietzsche was full of himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree! just like selling your product on the market if you want to stay on business then do promotion, talk to the customer, print ads! thats how you introduce your product more effectively!.!. as simple as thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is no longer a hidden part of us when we communicate it!. Love being the emotional connectedness to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com