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Position:Home>Philosophy> Describing colors to blind man?

Question: Describing colors to blind man!?
Curious of others answers-- serious answers please!.

You are sitting next to a blind man you do not know and he has been blind since birth!. He asks you to describe the color
1!. Red
2!. Blue
3!. Yellow
4!. White

How would you answer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Red: Heat, fire -- I would let him sit beside a fire!.
Blue: Calm, serene -- I would take him for a therapeutic massage
Yellow: Joy -- I would take him to a playground on a sunny day!.
White: Cold, sterile: I would open the refrigerator freezer door, let him stand in front of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

use adjectives or descriptions he can associate with!. because his sight is acute or nonexistent, you can't think in the realm of the visual!.

red-crackling fire, fireworks, screaming, crying, yelling, firetruck, biting an apple
blue-ocean, birds in the sky, water in general, blues (sad music), saxaphone, falling rain, thunderstorms
yellow-popping popcorn, rusting of hay
white-ice cracking/freezing, snow falling, wind

red-hot, heat, fire, fur, rose petals
blue-water, polyester/cotton, feathers, sea shells, silk
yellow-corn husks, sunflowers, baby chick
white-snow, ice

red-peppers, chili
blue-popsicle, blue berries, muffins
yellow-corn, lemon juice
white-shaved ice

red-burning, cooking, cologne
blue-salty air, smokey crowded club, berries
yellow-sunflowers, harvest, sand
white-whiteout, paintWww@QuestionHome@Com

red-the color of the stop sign,hell,and the devil
blue-the color of the sky and the ocean
yellow-the color of the sun,buttercups,and pee(lmao)
white-the color the LORD wears,of angels' wings,and Heaven
that's not a good description lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Warmth - a hand, hotwater bottle
2 ice cubes, mint (being freh/cold)
3 Laughter, happiness
4 Snow, waterWww@QuestionHome@Com

red: hot, and the sense of love
blue: fresh air
yellow: flowers, the perfume
white: soap, a bath with bubblesWww@QuestionHome@Com


That would be difficultWww@QuestionHome@Com