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Position:Home>Philosophy> At what age do we fully become aware of our surroundings from the time we were B

Question: At what age do we fully become aware of our surroundings from the time we were Born!?
For example, let's use a scale from 1 to 10!. 1 being an infant with no awareness and completely dependent on instincts to survive and 10 is 100% aware of everything, supposedly like an adult, you and me!. So at what age do you think we reach a 10 since it's sooooo gradual!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I remember different stages in my life where I became aware that I had a deeper understanding of things than in previous times!. I'm sure this varies from individual to individual!. You can observe this by watching the development of children!. The process still has not stopped for me!. At 40 I'm more aware than I was at 30!. At 30 more than I was at 20!. 20 more than 15, etc!.

I hope it doesn't stop while I live, and I suspect that a deepening of understanding will continue barring disease!.

In some ancient societies (iirc), you weren't considered an "adult" until you were 50! That didn't mean you weren't to get married and raise a family before then, it's just that the public considered your opinion suspect without the experience of age!.

In this youth worshiping society of ours, we loose much by not listening to the council of our elders!. (IMHO)

Maybe I'm missing the boat on your question!. By the teen years we are aware enough to survive, though we typically lack the wisdom and experience to make good long term decisions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

never!. and no, there is no charge for using will power!. you use it all the time, at no cost!. no loss of energy, or of will power, nothing!. only the results of what you do with it involve consequences, or cost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never, human beings arent supposed to be 100% aware of everything!.!.!.

And yes, Free will is an illusionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, age isn't a reliable measuring tool!. But it does happen around the age of 18 when the brain is done developing!. At that point, you're on your own!. But few people actually become 100% aware!. It is possible, though, even if you have some relapse occasionally!.

You have to break down mental barriers!. Such things as: preconceived notions, make believe ideas about the supernatural (including thoughts of enlightenment and nirvana and meditation), taboos, moods, emotions, external influences such as drugs (including caffeine), etc!. When you can identify them, then you can become aware!.

The age, though, is purely subjective!. And any point after puberty we're capable of doing so, but it's generally around the 20-year old mark when people start realizing it!. Perhaps society's influence, the very notion of labeling them an adult, is able to give them the freedom to explore their own minds for the first time!. If you feel like a child, then you will act like one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com