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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people ask "what is the meaning of life?"?

Question: Why do people ask "what is the meaning of life!?"!?
It seems that the question is over asked and that other than "to live our lives as we think that the fates need or want us to" is all we really got!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They ask that to know their fate!.

Many ask because they are lost and want to know the reason they were born and what their purpose is!.

Some are just curious!.!.!. (=

But God put everyone here for a reason, many people don't know where to start, so they ask "The Impossible Question"!.

(Not intented to offend anyone)Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they do not realize that the question is invalid!.
"meaning" refers only to language, specifically to words and propositions, or to whatever any language's equivalents to those are!. a proposition has meaning only if it refers to reality!. life is not a proposition or a word!. "Life" is a word, but not life!. Life has no meaning because it is not something that can have meaning, not in the sense that there is no purpose in living, but simply in the sense that only language refers!. Life, in fact, is one of the things to which language can refer!. So the invalid, in fact, meaningless question keeps on getting asked, with the absurd conclusion that there exists no purpose in living!.

"Life" is well defined in good dictionaries!. Such definitions provide the mean ing of the word!. They tell us to what the word refers!. The endless question, in meaningful form, that is when life is meant as a word only, has been answered by Webster, Random House, Oxford, etc!. It's so easy to just go look it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they've been taught to look for external answers instead of looking for the critical questions and thinking for themselves!. The meaning of our personal life is defined by what we spend it on - our real priorities and choices!. That can be merely surviving for most people, or as meaningless as money!. But as we define ourselves by what we define as "other", our "self" is expanded by all we see ourselves related to (for me, that's "spirituality"), and therefor the meaning of our lives is also expanded to the degree that we spend life on growing ourselves and thereby serving "others"!. So it doesn't depend on external scripts or religious injunctions!. It depends on awareness and reflection!. Life itself has no implicit meaning, for human or frog, nor purpose beyond breeding and death!. But, as we have consciousness, we can give our lives the meaning and purpose we choose, within what is attainable for us!. Most people waste most of it mindlessly, like puppets manipulated by inherited illusions and fantasies!. No wonder we suffer, and are in trouble!Www@QuestionHome@Com

many possible reasons why people actually ask for this!.!.!.
1!. they might be trying to know your point of view about life and comparing it with their meaning of likfe!.!. because may be the meaning of life which they have found out is not comforting them!.!.!.
2!. they actually know the meaning of life and they think that is the right one!.!.!. so the moment you say the meaning of life as per you, they will start off their lecture!.!.!. lol
3!. they want to judge you by the way you look at life!.!.!.
4!. they might have to write a thesis on life!.!.!. practically impossible, but they still want to do it!.!.!.
There can be many reasons why people ask such questions!.!.!. every person has his/her own experiences in life and they start thinking of a life in their own comfortable space!.!. there cannot be the same answer to this question by two different persons!.!.!. if it does, its mere co incidence!.!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

People continually ask this because they simply need to find the answer themselves!. After all, they don't necessarily know what others have discovered and that question determines what you make of your life!. It determines what you live for and whether you think that this life that we have is important or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think a lot of people ask in the hope that there would come a magical answer that would dispel all their doubts as to whether life has any meaningful meaning at all!. In the heart of our heart, all of us thinking people do realize that life looks rather insignificant in the context of the grandeur of the huge space and vast timespan!. This realization hurts our ego and we seek to somehow hit upon a grand meaning for our human life in order for us not to feel small and minuscule!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To find a meaning, be inspired by others purpose, to reason a semblance of logic for this existence, maybe we are unaware of what others know to be truth, maybe we seek a truth, an importance a sense of worth of something we can live for, many reasons, many answers for as many person asking !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say it's human nature!.!. we humans are able to think things like that!. we don't simply live our lives!. we know how to appreciate, enjoy and wonder!. humans are curious!. they always seek answers for everything!.!. just like the previous answerers said!.!.

in short, your question could equal to this question:
"Why is there a thing called "Science" to people's lives!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

There will always be questioning souls and truth seekers!. Sometimes people ask this question when something traumatic has happened and they are questioning the futility of it all!. The question here is: why do you care what other people ask!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a biproduct of consciousness!. Honestly, it'd be kind lame if we had this consciousness and didn't ask it!. Even as pointless as it is to ask it, it beats thinkin' about the boring stuff!.!.!.man we gotta lot of boring crud to deal with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually ask "what is the meaning of life" just to annoy the hell out of people, as there isn't really a great across the board answer other than 42!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The same reason, people ask for a bottle or a can of Coke!
They know there is nothing in it but gas and empty calories!. I'm still selling it to them when they ask, for the two points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They ask in order to feel 'deep'!.
We answer in order to sound 'profound'!.

(Other people!. Not me!. No!. uh, not me!. Others, Y'know!? Not me!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who has asked you this question!?
If ever they ask, they ask themselves!.
If they do not find the proper answer,
They will leave the earthly pleasure and
become sadhu!. Like Gautama Buddha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life, means ie!., connected to an individual's fate n
status during survival /existance!.
Thats why the !.!.!.SURVIVAL FOR THE FITTEST!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps they are looking for some substance, some answers, some meaning!. Or maybe they just want to hear possibilities and other ideas, to spark some interesting thought and wonder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every person alive, at some point in their life, asks the question:
"Why am I here!?" How that person answers, or does not answer that question will weigh considerably on how their life is lived!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they don't know this same question has been asked a thousand times, or they don't realize, that search for a questions is above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Squirrels never ask themselves that question, so there must be something that makes us different from squirrels, don't you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we are very curious beings and there comes to a point in our life when we wonder what our purpose in life is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because its the ultimate question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If u have to ask, u dont know the answer!. Fate is something one refers to when they have no control or plan for their own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they want a perfect answer and no one in the world is able to satisfy themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Chicken or Steak!?!
