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Position:Home>Philosophy> Combo biology/philosophy question: Is it physically possible for this world to b

Question: Combo biology/philosophy question: Is it physically possible for this world to be my imagination!?
Or for me to be a brain in a vat!?There has got to be something wrong with that!. It doesn't seem like my mind would be wired for it!. And I'd be able to sense the other realm,right!? also, where would the memories be coming from!? It just doesn't seem right!. But I'm not scientific enough to figure out why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No!. Because we can know ahead of time, the outcome of certain situations!.
Example: If I take a hammer and hit my finger with it, I know without a doubt that it's going to hurt like hell!. I have just imagined this!. But if I actually do it, I will damn sure know that I'm not imagining the pain, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem is that everything you know of is impressions from the outer world!. If all these impressions in fact just are imagination!.!.!. Maybe you dont have a brain, perhaps you are a dreaming fog in a big dark space!.!.!?

But on the other hand, we must trust our senses!. What we see, what we hear, otherwise the world would make no sense!.

Very hard to prove that we are not just imagining, but its hard to prove that the green stains on the carpet doesnt protect us from the aliens too!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think of this!. Of all the things we have done as a human race - of all the things we have learned!. The finest minds that have ever been - and they have only used 1/10th of their brain!! Whoa momma! The possibilities that exist for those of us that dare look inside and enjoy that what already is, and not worry about what might be ahead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it's possible, but so highly improbable as to be no worth your time!.

Plus, would it change the way you live your life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com