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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do some humans have supernatural abilities?

Question: Do some humans have supernatural abilities!?
I am not talking about gut feelings or lucky guesses!. When i was younger, i had visions of my future life, all of which have happened!. It included moving many times yet never going to a different school, my mom falling down stairs, getting new friends, fighting with people, and more!. I dont consider myself to be special but there is this one that threw me!. I have a girlfriend with numerous clothes and one day, i told her exactly what she was wearing!. It was around 5:00pm, i hadnt seen her all day, and i suddenly got an image of her!. I asked her what she was wearing!. She was wearing the exact same clothes that i had imagined!. Do some humans have supernatural abilities or is it just coincidence!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, some are psychic or able to see spirits, others able to walk on heated coals and a few other persons with their upper bodies able to attract metal items!. Some also able to see through walls or do healing just with their hands!.

But if you possess these powers, it is important that you dont abuse them, to your advantage!. There are some spiritual laws to follow!. Otherwise your powers will become weaker and finally taken away!. U can use your abilities to help society in some beneficial ways and become popular!. Regards and be cautious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, some people do have special abilities!.

I don't completely understand it but it has something to do with the nervous system and the brain (the spirit)!. Sometimes the spirit can trigger certain types of unexplained "energy" that allows us to do the unexplained!.

For instance, when I pass street lights at night(walking or driving) they turn on if they are off and vice versa!. The same lights do it constantly!.

People are called indigo children!. There are many books and documentaries about it!. You should check it out!

Everyone has the ability but not everyone is aware of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, humans do!. Blind people have extraordinary hearing, deaf people have a good sense of smell and sight!. I have visions as well during the day, they all come true, but some people can controls their abilities!. I can control my ability to see the future, but no one knows about except the people who read this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please apply your powers in a positive way!. We have enough evil persons and empires in the world!. You may be able to market this unusual ability for those who need this special insight that you have!. Crime solving, international conflicts, etc!. are some of the possible pursuits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. but do you mean natural in the sense that they are explainable solely on physical grounds, or do you mean natural in the sense that such abilities come naturally!? Such abilities, I believe, are natural to humans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not know if you would call that supernatural abilities!. I have had a lot of the experience's as you talked about!. I believe you would call that 6th sense ( a sharp one at that)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes some people do!.
I know I do because I saw I was going to get in a car crash about 4 min!. before it happened about a year ago!. I only got a broken arm from it but I did see it happen before it did happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it!. I mean who am i to tell anyone "no, there's nothing special about you"!. Many times i have dreams that have ended up come true in the comming weeks!. And something that i found wierd was, on the last day of school this year i had this dream, and on the board people left all thier goodbye's to our teacher Mrs!. Mosley but then there was one quote that said "when one dream comes true we tend to examine the others more closely", i thought that was really inconsistent because it didnt even say goodbye or anything!. And then lo and behold my dream ended up comming true later that day!.

And also while in my sleep i've sometime kind of muttered about my grandparents!. You have to understand that they passed away when i was about 2 so i dont even have a memory of them and i've never seen a picture of them!. My dad has told me before that while in my sleep i've described my grandfathers apperance and have carried on conversations with my grandfather as if i was my father!. I even accidentally called my dad by names that only my grandfather used to use!.!.!. It's strange but a subject of great intrest to me!.

Am i special!? Who knows!? I sure don't but i do know at least that i'm not boring!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

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