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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the difference between sadhu and sanyasi?

Question: What is the difference between sadhu and sanyasi!?
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Sadhu and Sannyasi!
Sadhu in Sanskrit, basically means; to cut or one who cuts!.!.!. The one by whose instruction or direction one can be cut free from samsara, the cycle of repeated birth and death!. A sadhu can be in any order of life!. There are four orders of spiritual life within the Vedic Varnashram system, which are !. Brahmacari or celibate student who is studying under a guru or spiritual master!. He can marry if he wishes in due course!.!. Next stage is Grhasta!.!. which is the householder or married ashram!. Then there is Vanaprastha, which is the retired stage in life where one is giving up the worldly household ways and the family have all grown up, so the parents travel to holy places, meet the holy men and engage themselves in spiritual activities only!. Then there is Sannyasa!. the final renounced stage of life, where everything, words, deeds, thoughts and actions are used only in the service of God and furthering God consciousness!. A sannyasi has to be given initiation into sannyasa order by another sannyasi, who then becomes his sannyasa guru!. Sannyasi's are given the title, Swami or Goswami, which means, one who has controlled the senses!. A sannyasi is generally considered a sadhu and offered great respect!. He should never marry, and if he does, he is no longer a sannyasi!. A real sadhu is one who has all the knowledge needed for attaining God consciousness and follows a strict life in the service of God, but does not have to be a sannyasi!. There are two basic kinds of Zonnya's!. Mayavadi and Personalist or those who follow the Bhakti school!. A sannyasi for the first few years of his sannyasa life will carry a sannyasa danda or staff!. According to the type of staff he carries you can tell which line or school of philosophy he hails from!. Mayavadi sannyasis carry a single rod, known as an eka danda!. Bhakti or personalist generally carry a tridandi, or three rods bound together, and often has a small tag or flag on the top with the insignia of the bhakti line he comes from!. Hope that's OK!. There is much more that can be said, but I'll leave it there!. yours BV Kusum Sraman Swami

Take care!. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGAWww@QuestionHome@Com

As per my wisdom, Sadhu is the term used for a person who is honest, truthful and straighforward, in short word a simpleton!. He lives life fulfilling all of his worldly duties, by following the path of truth!.
A sanyasi is a person who has denounced the worldy life and lives a life of seclusion!. He/ she devotes his/her life prayting to the deity and in refrains from materialistic demands and needs of today's world!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A sadhu is an advanced Truth seeker,his mind is sattwic
(composure state of mind)!. He need not necessarily be a celibate!.He dedicates his life for meditation and devotion!.
A sannyasi is one who is initiated into Truth seeking by a
master,expected to be a celibate for rest of his life and
to devote full time for Truth seeking and to teach the
meaning of spiritual texts to the house holders!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sanyasa came to be regarded as Kalivarjya!. Though Shankaracharya broke this prohibition by his example, Sanyasa never became popular in Hinduism again!. The modern Sadhus belong to different sects, following Jnaanamaarga or Bhaktimaarga, and they cannot be properly called Sanyasis

Sannyas is given only to one who has already passed through the Grihastha stage and begotten a male progeny to continue the Gotra lineage!. Vedic Rishis were very clear in their understanding about the sanctity and significance of the Sannyasa Ashram!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is practically no difference!.Sometimes sadhus also wear saffron coloured clothes like sanyasis!. Sadhu can wear white, or cream colour whereas sanyasis wear saffron coloured clothes!.Sanyasis are initiated into sanyas, where they give up worldly things & family ties{which basically means san (give up) aas(desires)} and they dress up in saffron!.Sadhu may or maynot be a sanyasi from attire , but inside he is a sanyasi!.Both pursue the same goal: To seek the Truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sanyasi in sanskrit means one who has given up everything good or bad!. He is in need of nothing from anybody!. He possesses nothing in the world!. A sadhu is a general term meaning a calm soft natured benevolent person!. He has no malice towards anybody!. He has only virtuous traitsWww@QuestionHome@Com

thought a sadhu was a guru

and a sanyasi was a student

dont have time to look it up tonight, sorry:)if it still open tomarow i will


Sanyasi wears THIRUNEERU!.

Sadhu makes you to wear THIRUNEERU!

Sanyasi knows the ART of LIFE!.

Sadhu knows the ROOT/ROUTE of LIFE!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both pursue the same objective of god realisation while a sanyasi is deemed to have renounced worldly attachments while the other is not !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no difference!. both are two
sides of the same coin!. begging for
their daily bread and butter!. some
times even jam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com