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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you ensure there is a chain of custody for your safety-critical software

Question: How do you ensure there is a chain of custody for your safety-critical software !?
How do you stop it being doctored, and then released without fixing the introduced fault, by a rogue project manager !?

Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976) Characteristic of his early work is "Systematically misleading expressions" (1932), which argues that some quite ordinary forms of expression are 'improper' to the states of afffairs they record, invite thereby misassimilation to other forms of expression, and so tend to generate perplexity, even flat nonsense, from which it is the business of philosophical argument to rescue us!.
(p786, The Oxford companion to philosophy, T!. Honderich, editor, OUP 1995)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The decidedly uncivilised lovable rogue rants and rages and is loved nonetheless!. The rogue seeks a confrontation he fears and simultaneously invites!. Hence the confusion!. The angry child is indulged for he is the reflection of the latent anger with all!.

Misinterpretation and a reflected verbatim indicate that matters will reach an ultimatum!. The Safety Project will not compromise its principles or standing or concede to unfounded and inflammatory claims!.

Circumstance determines the presence remain and the conflict be resolved!. Right cannot bow to demands that bear no command or authority or sense!. Incoherent mumblings no matter how loud will not be entertained until the mob submits and acknowledges its lack of evidence and power on any part!.

Silence is Golden!. The wise head maintains a still tongue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try to get the work referenced in some sort of office file!.

Try to set up a mechanism to check that it hasn't been later doctored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com