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Position:Home>Philosophy> If these are potential problems in a project, don't you need to look at the

Question: If these are potential problems in a project, don't you need to look at the character of your project manager!?
Especially if the project involves safety!.

0/If I'm a project manager can I just arbitrarily close down or start up projects on whim !? After all, won't my take on reality be as real as anyone else's !?

1/Because there are people called sociopaths!. They create their own reality!. It messes up the lives of people around them!. They cause confusion and insecurity of those around them, because they, the sociopaths, are so good at changing reality that it can control the strongest of personalities!.

2/There is a big difference between creating opportunities; making chances, making changes, setting higher goals, being more than we ever think we can be- and the crazy sort of personality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fortunately, in my professional experience (which includes significant project management), the project manager in a large organization rarely (if ever) gets to decide on whether to terminate a project once it's launched!. That decision typically falls to senior management!. The project manager simply reports progress, budget, (and risks) relative to the project plan to his higher-level manager!.

Individual small isolated projects are a different story!. I'm talking about any project which requires allocation of any significant manpower, resources, or budget!.

Read the comic strip "Dilbert"!. That's pretty much how things work everywhere!. It's generally exaggerated, but too often not by much!Www@QuestionHome@Com