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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we (humans) exist for a purpose beyond the physical world? What is that purpo

Question: Do we (humans) exist for a purpose beyond the physical world!? What is that purpose!? Specify the implications!.!?
God, eternity, evil, goodness, defeat, wisdom, triumph, conquer and divide, love, passion, sex, failure, misery, civility, politics, medicine, law, guilt, shame, FREE WILL!.!.!.!.why all of this, and why do things not exist that should but are inconcievable!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
every person has their own soul purpose for their existence!. some would wan to live for love and god and many other things!. not everybody lives for the he same reason!. that's what i feel of my own existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

beyond the physical world is the astral, then the mental, and then the spiritual!. Ultimately our purpose is spiritual!. It can be done most directly, in this world, by learning to love people and to find the good in all of them, regardless of what they say and do!.

About things existing, there is plenty beyond the physical plane!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps to be Dryads!. To be Stewards of nature!. Live inside the trunks of trees!. Beauty another reason!. The Great Cats are beautifull as are wolves, Humans, and all life!. There is something satisfying in seeing a tiger with golden eyes or a lioness or a leopard something in the expression!. Something regal!. If around for no other purpose then people should do all in their power to stop such magnificent creatures from dissaperaring from The Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

every one exists--takes a birth--with a very special purpose but irony is that after birth one forgets why he came in this world and hence starts behaving differently depending on the situation in which he has taken the birth!.that is why all the things happen that you have narrated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God work is incredible, more than we can imagine!. Those unpleasant moment or things that make up give up on life are,a test to pass and join his kingdom!. We all are for one purpose to full feel our destination and join our almighty lord!.
But life is full of adventure and exciting things!. So don't worry about things that won't be in your hand,
Good Luck, just enjoy your momentWww@QuestionHome@Com

exist just for the sake of experience!. That's all!. All of those things you just mentioned are just labels we the forms give to satisfy our needs to exist further than what already is!.

All forms exist and all forms go back home to formlessness!. Just here for the ride, why make a big fuss in not knowing the destination!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The last part of your statement is intriguing but confusing!. If something is inconceivable to begin with then we would not be able to come to an idea that it should exist at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com