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Position:Home>Philosophy> What happened before August 1991 ? A person doesn't just wake up in 1991 and

Question: What happened before August 1991 !? A person doesn't just wake up in 1991 and think "there's supposedly !.!.!.!.!.!.!.
schedule slippage, I must amend the contract"!.

<<In August 1991, because of the combat system schedule slippage, the contract was amended to provide a two-stage delivery!. This was to allow submarine platform trials to proceed in advance of a fully compliant combat system being available!.

In September 1993, ASC notified sub-contractor Rockwell of a default in contract (non-delivery of the combat system), but were not allowed by Defence to proceed and instead the delivery method was further changed from two-stage to multiple increments, with increasing functionality and complexity to be introduced with each delivery!.>>

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Seriously I have no idea why so many submarine questions end up in the philosophy section!.!.!.

Generally when it comes to government!.!.!.military!.!.!.or any bloated bureaucracy is that change is going to be put off for as long as it can be!.!.!.until it hits the point where it has to be changed!.!.!.so said problem will be noticed, cataloged, planned for and then eventually implemented!.

I hope this helps

Rev PhilWww@QuestionHome@Com