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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you take refuge among anemic ideas in those moments when nothing full of mean

Question: Do you take refuge among anemic ideas in those moments when nothing full of meanings comes along your way!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, of course I do!. You should always keep thinking, even if you don't believe that your thoughts are meaningful!. Who knows, you might be wrong! Sometimes you just do the best you can, only to find later on that what you did was really good!. The same can be true of meaningful ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because those "anemic" ideas have potentinal to either lead to "ideas" with meaning, or actually "blossom" into an idea with meaning!. The "idea" may need insight from others, or a "boost" form another "idea" to become what it has the potentinal to be!. Or it just might take you to the path where a "meaningful idea" is "waiting"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes that is what I do, especially to kill time!.
I met an amazing man on a long train trip once!.
Long haired guru type!. lol
Everything he said seamed like gold, his gems of insight always hit the right spot with me!.
The main or most important thing he said for me to do, was stop thinking!.
Of course that gave me something to think about!.
"Energy flows where Attention goes"
I read that later & it kinda gave what he said more sense!.
I don't seem to be able to find that point of focus at will!.
Anyway I like my fuzzy logic random thought processing, it does take me to places I could never have figured on I reckon!.
I do have some sick thoughts sometimes though, not much of a refuge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Empty hands and head are a devils workshop, so anemic ideas (Like writing useless questions for which I sure you know the answer to) will come in those moments, when there is a lull between two points!. Usually before any good times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what!? muddle past such an opportunity in fear of it!? never! if you are there - you absolutely have to seize the day! when you embrace that kind of loaded nothing all is possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not usually!. i try to keep my head up all the time, but still be humble!. but every once in a while those thoughts will come but i myself try to dispel themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of course, what else are daydreams for!Www@QuestionHome@Com