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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is jealousy some type of a secret idolatry?

Question: Is jealousy some type of a secret idolatry!?
can that desire of possessing the other (inherent in any type of jealousy) be in fact an aspiration to transgress a limit, an attempt to reach something beyond yourself!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I only keep the "jealousy" and the "idolatry" and I can say!.!.!.!.
oh how much I would like to be an idol to someone even if this means they are passionately jealous!!! (well!.!.!. almost!!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO it is wanting to possess what the other has, regardless of wether you want it badly or not!. Idolatry is something that you do, when you copy someone and follow the same paths they do!. However if you covet the same thing they do and feel angry that they have it, that is jealousy, cause you did not get it!. But people like that always have one or another thing to be jealous of!. In is just in the nature, to want and want and want!. but never be satisfyed , cause there will always be something you see, that you will want, and will be jealous of the person, who has it, before you did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not necessarily!. there is such a thing as healthy jealousy!. and that being that you are happy for them or aspire to have something as good as that person!. that doesnt mean that you idolize that person because of what they have, you simply want something as good!. but unhealthy jealousy can go as far as idolizing the person for what they have!. it depends on the situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely understand what you are saying here, but do not think the answer is yes!.

No, I don't think jealousy is that!. I think jealousy is more shallow than that!. "Idols" reach deep into a person!. Jealousy I see as a shallow feeling, not as deep as idolatry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can be, but it's not necessarily so!. I might be jealous of the fact that someone has so much wealth that he needn't worry about money -but that doesn't mean I want to be like that person or that I idolize him!. He might have other problems I don't have!.


There is a belief in scarcity and denial of self in jealousy, hence the possessiveness!. Admiration contains no clinging, but the belief in the freedom to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More to posses & control things within our reach, in an attempt to make them beyond the reach of others!.
I guess we may idolize our image of what the possession of the source of our jealousy may bring us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com