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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can one really live without... inventing themselves imaginary pains?

Question: Can one really live without!.!.!. inventing themselves imaginary pains!?
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I work for oral surgeons so I deal with the public a lot!.
I'd say 65% of the public invent "imaginary pains" as you put it!. Mainly because of the attention to which they recieve with "having" these pains!. It makes them feel loved!.
What sucks is the people that really do have "pains", and ignore them because they do *not* want to recieve unwanted attention!. And in ignoring them hurt themselves, and the others around them!.
I ignored "pains" for a long time, simply because I didn't want to seem like these pathetic attention seeking leeches that invent "pains"!. It wasn't healthy!. But I've grown!. Accepted my pains, dealt with them, and am the better for it!.

So to answer your question!.!.!. yeah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is pretty entertaining to do this, but there comes a time when one has no time for this stuff anymore!. Or just cannot afford to invent again and again imaginary pains!. I have a job, in which I need myself be in a good emotional state, otherwise I cannot do my work properly!. So although I found it pretty amazing to develop this or that imaginary problem or pain in the past, I just cannot do it anymore!. With another job yes, but wow every life choice we do, we need to let something go!. -:)
Whoever can enjoy their imaginary pains still, fill your days or weeks as one day your life might force you to give up on this form of entertainment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ooh that's quite a doozy! the widespread but untenable idea that suffering alone defines one - so those feeling they lack definition could subconciously need to force suffering upon themselves to make themselves feel alive!.

not "prick me do i not bleed!? "
but "prick my unbleeding self do i not bleed!? "Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course they can, I do know a sure-fire cure!.
Just get an illness where you really are in pain 24/7, carry that around for about a year and a half and they'll be grateful for a pain-free day!.

They will never complain for no reason again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well people that daily live with immediate & immobilizing physical pain!. People in war torn countries suffering more anguish with every new loss that they grieve!.
If I was alone on an island, I see myself faking a bad back!.
Anyway aren't people like that called "hypochondriacs"Www@QuestionHome@Com

sure can!. some people like to feel that pain in their hearts!. some people want to feel what they feel at the moment!. not something they made up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have passed through that stage!. It was not, finally, as a good drama as I thought it would have been!.!.!.!. I am better off now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And this depends on your self awareness level!.

Thanks for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com