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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can one describe the reality around them...?

Question: Can one describe the reality around them!.!.!.!?
even in those moments when they feel their senses are numb!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've only felt reality once!.!.!.
I was riding my motorcycle, down a country road, with the two most important people in my life!.
There was a moment when I was riding when I felt "free"!. Free is the best word to which I can describe it!. I felt free of *everything*!. Labels that label me, who I am, from life, I've never felt so "free"!. I believe that was reality, and words cannot describe it!. It's impossible to describe, but it was reality!.!.!. I know it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We can't take on all the data of what's going on outside our head at any given time ever!. Even with all our senses working overtime, even than we pick out what is relevant to our needs at the time!. Our subconscious mind makes huge split second assumptions of what is real continually, alerting only the parts of our mind & body that need to know!. Part of that information is than translated into something resembling what we know as reality in our conscious mind!. So then we can attempt to describe reality, numb senses may be part of that, but it's no big deal next to the scale of what we are trying to do!.
That is why metaphors are a good short cut to convey an already fuzzy story!. Our thoughts are full of loose ends, how can one describe a weave in a rich tapestry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think so, because you have to use all your senses to experience the 'reality' within and outside you!. Sometimes even with one sense 'numb' one can have a distorted view!.
Many persons who are drunk or high on drugs have tried to fly off high buildings or do silly things and became seriously injured!. And there are some who are endowed with a 6th sense, who avoided disasters happening!. So sharp senses are vital for our very survival!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reality is the sum of all that is around and in us!. It cannot be separated from who we are or where we are!. I think we try too hard to isolate the concept of reality and put it in a tangible box!. As individuals we operate in a very small unit of time and place and circumstance and choice!. One who is numb may have a limited perspective on their present state which would, in turn, limit the description of reality they could render!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The reality is that things happen around us that can be good or bad,, if it is something bad then we have to deal with it!. I see reality at the moment like most of us acting kind of like "zombies", getting on with our daily chores of life, following others leads and existing in what is sometimes a tedious part of life!. As far as your bit about the senses are numb,, maybe thats because reality has made it like that,, our thoughts wanting to stay numb from everyday real life!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, because the senses aren't numb (even at those times we feel that they are)!. We are still able to experience the reality and to describe it -even though we may be describing it from a slightly skewed point of view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com