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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do Men have a different sense, taste, expression of humor than Women ?

Question: Do Men have a different sense, taste, expression of humor than Women !?
In the past, I had received mails asking me if I was a male and not female, since my humour was not "female"!. I never understood how one can make a distinction!. So, can you make a distinction!?

If Yes, in what way is a Man's humour different to a Woman's humour!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have done that with a few people, I think it is the avatar that I see first & make some subconscious assumption of gender & don't really think about it again!. I think I suggested that to you once, don't take it to heart!. You are all woman!. I guess the humor may be delivered from slightly different perspectives!.
The distinction would be slight but over time becomes clearer!.
A lot of the links I have shown you have been written by women
& it shows I think!.


Generally, men have different taste, sense and expression of humour than women do!. Most often than not, men are greater in number as comedians!. Men are more expressive and have this sense of hunour than women does!. It is usually the men who cracks jokes in a crowd!. Seldom you women do!. I believe it is the nature of men to be humorous than women do!. It is an asset of men to put women into laughter!. I believe the distinction you are asking if two persons haven't seen each other and judged you to be more of that of the character of a man because of how you write or express yourself i supposed!. There are really an exception to the rule whenever the situation is in this case!. Indeed i am also mistaken of one friend here although on a different level because of how she answered the questions!. Indeed i was thinking she was a man but turned out to be a woman in the end!.

Thanks for aking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

men are said to be more acid and women more sentimental, yet I don't think that's true!. the biggest crying babies I've ever known in my life and the biggest gossipers were men!.!.!.

I usually can make a difference in here between men and women based on what they write!.!.!. but I tend to analyze the way they construct the image of their power!.!.!. men like to brag about it a lot, while women usually ignore it!. and also men tend to be more daring when it comes to sensitive subjects such as sexuality!.!.!. nevertheless, men usually answer only women, lol

I know at least a person who said you were a man and that was based on your short and sharp answers, rather than on your humor!. and I argued a couple of times with them because I knew they were no right!. there's something very European about you though which people in here tend to take as masculinity!.!.!. I'm often told myself in messages that I'm too aggressive with other users, especially with those flirting with me!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There isn't really a dividing line; it's more like a continuum!. Like the movies!. There ARE chick flicks & guy films, but most movies are a blend!.

Sam Kinison is VERY male humor, Rita Rudner is VERY feminine!.

There's a lot of comedy in between & to top it off Men & Women tend to 'get' each others humor!.
Consider the 'guy' joke:

A guy tells his friend: "Did you know there's a place downtown where for $5 they'll feed you a steak dinner, THEN take you around back & get you laid!?"

The friend replies: "That sounds hard to believe!. Have you ACCUALLY been to this place!?"

"No" says the guy!. "My sister told me about it!."
Men & Women are CLEARLY different!.

This naturally has an effect on masculine/feminine sense, taste & expression of humor!.

When we notice the jokes are from a distinctly masculine perspective we call it male humor!. E!.g!. getting laid, getting even, and getting punished for stupidity!. Jokes that fixate on sexual endowments, or outsmarting or being outsmarted, tend to be considered 'male'!. Just like the movies, violence = guy flick!.

'Female' humor would deal with relationships or grievances specific to women!. Female jokes would be about a lack of refinement or sensitivity!. If it's about using psychology to tame the brute, it's feminine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


They have the same types of humor for men and women, the only difference is it is hard for a woma to tell a penis joke with any credibility and it is hard for a man to tell a lesbian joke or child birth joke without sounding like one is on the outside looking in!.

But in general, a joke is or is not funny based on the individual hearing it, or reading it in this case!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone can see that more male comedians make it farther than the female ones!. I think that if a woman went up on a stage and tried to say half the things that Dane Cook says, society would probably look down upon her!. They'd say that she's scandalous and that she was raised wrong and yada yada!.

It's only because from wayyy back women were supposed to be prim and proper and they had to keep their opinions to themselves!. Time has taken the edge off of those notions, but it still lingers in the back of many peoples' minds!.

Personally, what makes me laugh is the 'male' humour!.

I'm not really sure you'll get the answer you're looking for!. Its always either going to be from the perspective of a male or a female!. And after reading the answers above mine, I realize that we opposite sexes REALLY do not understand each other!. Alot of females have the same humour as you, I suppose you just say it all more freely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stereotype!. It has its statistical truths, but everyone is different!.

Women "judge" men all the time as potential mates, based on the superficiality of looks, but rationalized with a false presumption of character: "he looks like a womanizer," "he looks unconfident in himself," "he looks!.!.!."

It happens!. We rationalize stereotype and prejudices as virtues on our part!. Oh, how insightful I am!.!.!. how inclined I am to understand other people!.!.!. how amazing my ability to predict outcome and peoples choices and actions!. Im so confident/ arrogant in my abilities that I dont even have to waste my time verifying them!.

Yes, double standards and social hypocrisies!. Men are sexually driven pigs, right!? But how many dirty skanks are there who are self-labeled "victims of the male-pig"!? It works the other way, too, as men cant be sluuts, right!? I think they can be, though!.

Yes!.!.!. statistical probabilities!. Black people do like fried chicken!. And watermelon!. Its not hateful of me to say, so it cant be immoral, right!? But it somehow is more wrong to say that black people are more likely to be criminals!.

I dont know who you are!.!.!. I have no idea your sense of humor!. But there is a difference, statistically, between male and female humor!. Are you tom boyish in life!? Are you really a male who has convinced himself he is a female and has opted for transsexualism!? Brain structure doesnt change, you know!.

My humor, as a guy!.!.!. I am cynical!. I am playful and rough, pretending to me prejudice or misogynistic depending on the company!. I like irony!. I am VERY sarcastic!.!.!. borderline hateful!. I find humor in pointing out truths to people that they wont want to admit!. I have a subtle, obscure humor!. I have an intelligent humor that requires raw intellect to catch onto!. I find humor in trying to pass illogical, self contradictory comments off on people, seeing if they will recognize it or ignorantly take it at face value!. I often stick my foot in my mouth!.!.!.

Men and women have more in common physiologically than we do psychologically!. But traits should not be excluded from one anothers capacities simply because of gender!. Men are intuitive and emotional, women are logical!. Men have a paternal instinct, the only reason why its called paternal and not maternal is because he is a guy!.!.!. the instinct is no different!.

Simple fact!.!.!. women are incapable of truly understanding men!. Just as men are incapable of truly understanding women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've come across a few on here that I believe were men pretending to be women!. I think that some of what I picked up with them has to do with speech patterns and sentence structure!. They seemed very stiff and formal!. One of them said she was an African princess and kept asking women about Gynecological things!. He/she was really obvious!.

Your speech is formal but to a lesser degree, and so is mine at times, and I'm sure as hell not a guy, if I was I wouldn't be doing the damned cooking every day !! Ignore them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Men are crude if you have to be steriotypical, ussually laugh at violence or pain!. women like kittens yawning or clean humor!.

but really it all comes down to how you perceive things and how you were raised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.men have a sexist perspective, crass and general none caring!.!.!.

!.!.!.women have a thoughtful and caring nature, not out to offend
anyone and naturally inquisitive!.!.!.

!.!.!.my opinions!.!.!.thanks for asking!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think women generally quicker with the snappy comeback, while men tend to more often confuse wit with sarcasm!. We're so different from each other, why; it staggers the imagination!Www@QuestionHome@Com

From the commedies of Aristofanes to the ones by Moliers, and from the playful whit of Shakespeare to the bitter and paradoxal humour of Oscar Wilde, there has never been a discretion or distinction of sex as to the consignee of this unique expression of human spirit!.
Therefore there's no male or female humour and the only distinction/difference can be traced only in the level of education!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com