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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can a parent love his or her two children equally?

Question: Can a parent love his or her two children equally!?
I don't think so, because whatever love may bond a parent and child, individual qualities will add to that special recognition that is love!.

I'm not suggesting that parents necessarily love one child more than the other, but rather that the scale on which that love finds itself cannot define love for two different children - or people for that matter!.

What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, a parents could never love two children equally because they are two different people!. Saying that a parent can do so is stating that both children are in fact the same and to not bring anything different to the table!. Not they can love a child ore so than the other, but they will do so differently because both children have different attitudes, emotions, bonds and even conversations with their parentsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I only have 1 child, however I have though about this when considering the idea of a second!. I love my daughter so much that I dont know if I can ever love another person as much as her and that worries me b/c if I had another baby I would want to love them equally!. also I thought if the second child shared more in common with me and was prefered me more (my daughter taked more to her daddy) would I end up loving them more and then feeling guilty!. I have not had to deal with this yet because I am waiting to have a second child for now but I am very interested in hearing some of these responses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think for many people there comes a point where your whole heart is so full of love for each of your children individually that it feels like you love them both infinitely and let's face it: The difference between two infinities is pretty minor if nonexistent!.

Having said that, a parent who knows her or his children will love each one for traits that each child has!. That doesn't mean that you love one child more or less, but that you love them each differently!.!.!.for who they are, and that is pretty neat in and of itself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love all my children equally!.
I see something individually unique and special in each of them!. but it doesn't mean I love one more than the other!.
for example!.!. my oldest is such a great help around the home (of course her allowance plays a role in that, lol) but I love and appreciate her 'helpfull' quality!.
my second is quite the entertainer, he'll have ya laughing all day (my oldest is hilarious as well, but my 2nd, well, hes a jim carey, lol)
my youngest is a baby, learning the ropes, I love his curiosity and chubby cheeks :)
I love them all very much, very equally, but yes they all have their individual qualities I adore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. To love children equally is to treat them as individuals - individually respecting their uniqueness!. In other words appreciate each child's individual personality and not expect the same action and reaction from the rest of the siblings!.

Love between a parent and child is much different than love between two separate people without family ties!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think all parents can love both their children equally, even if both behave the exact same way, the parents will still like one more!. The only thing that i can think of that would make me wrong about this is if there were two identical twins that both behaved the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!.!.!. depends on the situation
my little brother is loved more than me, but I was adopted and my brother was there first child, so i don't know
I do supose it's posable, but it would be difficult to findWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes they can!. It's up the parent's to feel the same love towards each child!. I know you must think that's not true but it is!. I am a parent and I know I must love each equally!. It is very hard but yes yes! It can be done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am a parent i have 2 kids and i have a favorite i come from a large family and my parents had their favorites parents arent suppose to verbalize it but the kids know lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

If a parent can communicate better with one child better than the other doesn't mean they love one better than the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anything is possible
maybe one child desserves to be loved less

but really what a sick questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hell No Everyone In my Family Hates (All Three (Not including me!.) Really!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!.

my mother quite obviously favored my sister!.!.!.she tried to feed me the equal love crap but she failed completely when it came to backing those words up with actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dooWww@QuestionHome@Com


no they cannot cuz my brother is waaayyy more favored than i am!Www@QuestionHome@Com