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Question: What is existentialism!?
take it away Rev PhilWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Ok so at its core it is the idea that as a conscious being!.!.!.our existance precedes our essence!. That is to say that whatever it is that makes us!.!.!.us is not within us until after we begin existing!.!.!.or in particular until we choose it!.

The opposite (essence preceding existance) can be explained by the example of a coffee cup!. Think of a coffee cup!.!.!.it has certain things that make it a good coffee cup!.!.!.some are better than others (there is a certain amount of personal preference)!. You can put coffee into a plastic or glass cup!.!.!.or even a bowl!.!.!.but without say a handle and other properties it would make for a poor coffee cup!. More importantly once can conceive of it before it exists as well!.!.!.the potter thinks of what they want to make before they make it!.

So with existance preceding essence!.!.!.we exist and then we choose what we want to be!. We are naturally first taught whatever those around us believe!.!.!.but eventually we either question these things (and accept or reject them) or we choose not to examine them!.!.!.but that is still a choice!.

In the end choice is in our own hands!.!.!.but we can be pressured by those around us!.!.!.to accept whatever role or whatever is expected of us is giving up our freedom to bad faith!.!.!.we are choosing not to choose and let someone else pick out identity in that moment!.!.!.as a person of a certain race!.!.!.or as someones parent or child!.!.!.and so on!.

I hope this helps

Rev Phil

ps can a brother get a best answer!?!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

wakarimasen!!!!.!.!.!.wiki'd tht shyt wo shimashita!!.!.!.lol

Existentialism is a philosophical concept which posits that individuals create the meaning and essence of their lives, as opposed to it being created for them by deities or authorities or defined for them by philosophical or theological doctrines


gomenasai!!!.!.!.konogoro ego de nandesuka!?!.!.!.genki desuka!?!.!.!.!.hai!.!.!.genkidesu!!!.!.!.arigatou!!.!.!. genki desuka!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are responsible for finding your own meaning!. Based on life choices and through free will, you seek out who and what you are!. Without religious or secular laws and traditions and rules, you must choose what is responsible!. Imposing such beliefs dehumanizes an individual and takes away their individuality!.

Use your own judgment !.!. in a nutshell!.

“Existentialism is about being a saint without God; being your own hero, without all the sanction and support of religion or society!.” - Anita BrooknerWww@QuestionHome@Com

get the book Rosencrantz and Gulidenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard!.!.!.!. its all about existentialismWww@QuestionHome@Com

