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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can a person ever be right....or can people only be right?

Question: Can a person ever be right!.!.!.!.or can people only be right!?
is truth controlled by the perspective of a third party

do you think that people are only a race when someone else is around!?
when I wake up and look in the mirror all I see is me, I dont see an asian/black guy I just look and think"there I am"
its not until I'm asked about my ethnic background, or until I'm around other people do I start to think about how many like myself are around!.!.!.!.
does race only exist when there is more than one person around!?
one person can say they are white but if they dont have another person to agree with them!.!.they are not white are they

and I dont care if you believe in evolution, or creation both theories say we com from one so if the origins are the same how can we be differentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

In many cases there is an ultimate correct answer!.!.!.some or all of the information may be hidden from us, but if one had all information available to them they could be correct in most things!.!.!.i!.e!. who ate the last cookie!.

In other cases!.!.!.morality and your example of identity!.!.!.I agree with the school of existentialism on this one!.!.!.

That is to say that an individual clearly exists within a group!.!.!.or group within a group!.!.!.and while they ultimately define their own identity it can be cut from the cloth of whatever they have found around them!.!.!.and influenced by pressure from the same!.

I hope this helps

Rev Phil

ps feel free to ask a question or two about existentialism!.!.!.I would enjoy answering one more in depth if you are interested!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Race is a social construct!. There is no biological basis for the concept of race!.

Someone agreeing with another person does not establish truth - in race or any other matter!.

No one controls truth!. Truth is!.
Perception isn't truth!.


Edit: I have no idea where you are going with the fire thing!. I would agree that just because someone says something is, doesn't make it truth!. However, society does not determine truth!.

You are also confusing morality with truth!. Pedophilia is considered wrong (because society dictates that)!. "Wrong" is not the opposite of "truth!."

There are plenty of things that are considered wrong in one society but are acceptable in another!. Those are perceptions!.

As I said, perception isn't truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com