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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you protect your heart?

Question: How do you protect your heart!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
letting it suffer pain to know what is good for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you wish to know, no love, happiness, sadness, missery etc!. I would suggest a deserted island!

Oh bordom might be one big problem cause you will need to comunicate with others to releive it and that might cause friendships, or you might find a girl you like and end up falling in love and living either happily married, or misserably divorced, with demands from kids!. I would suggest reading books or watching movies or somthing to fight bordom, but then again, if it is a sad film it will hurt you and make you sad or a comdey might "may god help you" make you laugh and happy, same with books!. So if you can fight bordom, and feel no loss without the human race, then yeah, AN ISOLATED ISLAND IS YOUR RIGHT CHOICE!. BUT IN THE END OF YOUR DAYS, WHEN THERE IS NO ONE TO LOOK AFTER YOU, YOU WILL END UP MISERABLE ANYWAYS, SO OPEN UP YOUR HEART CAUSE LOCKING IT AWAY NEVER HELPS ONLY HURTS MUCH MUCH MORE WHEN YOU ARE NOT PREPAIRED TO LIVE A FULL LIFE!. SO LET SOME LOVE IN FIRST AS WELL, SO THAT AT LEAST YOU HAVE SOME GOOD MEMORIES DURING BAD TIMES!. DON'T RUN AWAY FROM LIFE, AND ACCEPT HAPPY DAYS AND UNHAPPYDAYS IN YOUR STRIDE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You focus on being contributive and by understanding that events are not controllable, your reactions are!.

You look at situations from multiple perspectives!. This ability can be trained!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By getting a lot exercise that causes your heart to work!. That way, your heart gets strong, and can hadle anything!. Oh, and floss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No pain no gain, so exercise it often!. Make sure the rest of the system are up to snuff too or it would blow a gasket or pipe somewhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't let anyone get close to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


A rib cage & a sternham!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Feed it lots of love !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't eat butterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever seen that movie catch me if you can !? or heard the song A million ways to leave your lover !? Seriously the only way to protect your heart is to listen to the Lord about what he has to say about the situation!. I was taught to stop when they stop when they stop giving!. A person should give untill they are satisfied that they have done there best, go as far as you can, but don't loose your self to another person, the best thing a person can do is to accept them selves on a deep level this is physical, spirtualy, and emotionaly!. Once you accept who you are you can find a good match!. We also should know where are boundaries lay, those things that we draw the line with!. See if a person does not have boudaries, a person will try and please someone else, but in the process the person hurts themselves deeply, by believeing they can please this person or do what ever they want, yet they don't believe it's right or the person is in a fight with the conscious and the spirit!. We continue with known people pleaseing trying to make it right for others, because we don't know how to say no, or when to say no, This does not mean we don't try and please others but know we can't make anyone happy unless we are happy, therefore we should be at least happy about what we are doing, or accept what we are doing is for the benefit of both partys, it should not be one sided, like with the drug abuseing husband, where the wife has to be all things to the husband including the preacher yet she can't say no because she loves her husband and she may but the relationship has sickness in it! and she needs help on how to deal with it effectively, if she is going to stay in the relationship!. The pimp and prostitute, a abusive boss, when these people can't have there way they minipulate the relationship by way of guilt, shame, and fear!. What if we are not in these qoute on qoute types of relationship!? they don't apply right- believe me if you don't have two honest people it applys!. Believe it or not this is a learning process!. I will give one example maybe two!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.The first one is remember a person should be honest with you with small things like phoneing you!. If they say they are going to call you they should be able to keep there word, this is a small thing but can be a indicater of there ability to be honest!.!.!.!.!.!. Secondly If the person says they will do something the person absolutely should do it! and if they can't the person should have a reasonable explanation, something valid for them not doing it! Don't except excuses for bad behavior, if the person mother and dad did not raise them you possibly can't either, only some with a very open mind is willing to learning and they are far and few of these type of people!. Thirdly love and life is like a game in a sense, but a game thats not a game this is your life you are in, and you want your fair share and sometimes we have to make sure we are getting it by not being to needy and over zelouse for anything even love!. So if your the one doing the work so to speak, like visting all the time and there response is I am busy I can't come and visit you much, well until the person gets unbusy you also need to get busy without that person, until they decide to make a move in your direction, this applys to having dinners out through deep personal relationships in marriage, though in marriages there are much more sacrifices a person has to make for the benefit of the family, but even then we must let the Lord guide us!. So I hope you learn about self acceptance, what your boundaries are, and apply the stop when they stop attitude, and look for a honest person who word is there bondWww@QuestionHome@Com