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Question: Why Not Abortion!?
Why don't these 16 year old girls who unwillingly get pregnant choose a one time abortion over 18 years of a costly life they know they're not ready to afford!? And you know they never want to raise the child, because it's more of an 'oops' than a miracle, and you always see THEIR mothers stroll the kid around, and take care of the child for THEM, or the child is always thrown away for adoption!. And for those of you who strongly oppose abortion and want to vent your anger out on a QUOTE ON QUOTE "baby killer" I'l f*cking report you all, because you know the nonsense you say will make no difference whatsoever on my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have one even better: chasity belts on all females they are 18 and married!
I've seen these 'teens' in action; shame on them for making society pay for their foolishness!. It's not our fault they did not use protection - so why is it our responsibility to 'financially' support the child until he/she turns 18!.!.!.!.!.
These girls have child after child just so they won't have to work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when you look up what pregnancy really means you will understand why you should not abort a child!. If you do not want to get pregnant use contraception!. Did you know that at 2 weeks a baby has a brain and in three a heart!.

There are two people involved so I wouldn't say it's the woman's right!. Put yourself into the baby's mind and ask yourself did that baby have a say!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

its hard, a baby should be welcomed into this world with the unconditional promise of constant love & care
unfortunetly its not always like this =[

im not too sure myself
hope your day gets bettter though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree there is no harm terminating a pregnancy thrust on some one, with no social sanctity whatsoever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah im totally pro abortion! If you didn't have the tools to look after a baby, then don't have one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi!. Hope your having a better day :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My brother and sister-in-law became parents at age 16!. It was difficult for them in the beginning!. They finished their education and raised their daughter responsibly!.

My niece, their daughter, is 17 years old now and getting ready to start college in the fall!. She's a wonderful person and I couldn't imagine life without her!.

I've had friends who terminated their pregnancies!. So I would never pass judgment on someone for making that choice!. Every situation is different!. I think tolerance in any case is the key!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is over 30,000,000 reasons why I can think why not!. That's only in the U!.S!. I lost my child in a fire, she was my only child!. I miss her every day!. Most Women who have abortions, at sometime in there life are faced with deep regret!. I think more value should be of the human heart to show compassion!. Most people of great character have come from very humble beginnings!. It takes quite an ego to think you have a right over life and death!. Quote unquoteWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am personally both prochoice and prolife!.
I think that is the most sane way to be!.
I also believe that government and or voters have NO business butting in to a woman's business!. It is a choice to be made between the woman, her doctor and God!.

There are prolifers who actually abort a baby or two monthly by the form of birth control they use!. It is so easy to justify our opinoins when with wisdom & open understanding opens our minds and hearts to a variety of answers to a very high charged question!.

Birth control by defination means that the birth of an already fertiilized egg is prevented from implantation!.

I personally believe that CONTRACEPTION is the answer to this issue!. It is time for concenting adults and teens to make sure they don't concieve!. I realize that not all humans have the capability to actually fallow through with this simple solution!.
Sorry, nothing is simple in life!.

I am a retired OB nurse and if you ask my opinion personality of what I have seen and experienced I would be glad to share it with you!.

I am wondering Why this issue is so packed with emotion and rage from both camps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You said it your self,abortion is killing a baby!.
Your question is both difficult and easy to answer!. The difficult part of the question, is how do I respond to folks with your outlook on the subject!. To me the use of abortion, which, however you view it, is killing a human being, as a form of contraception, is totally unacceptable!. I know that we can sit here all day discussing the subject of rape and incest and even abnormal fetuses but that is not part of your question, so we will leave that for another days worth of argument!.
In the matter of abortions , you mentioned 16-18 year olds, but increasingly it is happening amongst older women, instead of using the many forms of available contraception, they are choosing not to use any of them and in the event of a pregnancy resorting to the elimination of a human life as the ultimate contraception !.
It will be obvious to you that my stance is anti-abortion and that this is not the first discussion that I have had on the subject!. My response to the so called pro choice people is, why did you not exercise your choice to prevent the pregnancy in the first place!?
To answer the easy part of your question, that would be to ban abortion!.
Un- wanted children have been a problem since we Human Beings were put on this earth, by whomever, so there is nothing new about sexual promiscuity!. I suppose we might have to think long and hard about how we define our morality as humans again, and on what that morality should be based !.Its seems clear that religion has not been much help or even much use in deciding the road to take, but there has to be something!.To me killing is not the answer to alleviate the result of few moments of sexual congress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com