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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the result of accepting mediocrity in your own life?

Question: What is the result of accepting mediocrity in your own life!?
And why do you think people do this!? In anything, really -- work, their own potential, spiritually speaking, love life !. !. !. anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People can become complacent with anything in their lives!. Some do not believe that they can do any better and so they don't put forth any effort!. Others are happy with were they are and don't feel that it is necessary to try and achieve higher goals!. also many people are afraid of changes so they get into a routine of doing what work for them!. So even if the change could be for the better they keep doing their same routine because they fear things could change for the worst!. Life is about action and not reaction!. We don't have to sit around in our same routines waiting for something bad to happen!. We can take charge of our lives and make changes for the better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the answer lies in what people themselves accept as mediocrity!. While to you a friend with a 9-5 desk job, average house, wife, and kids might seem mediocre, that man might be extremely content in knowing that he has a balanced life with a family he loves, cares about, and supports!.

On the other hand, there are a large number of people who simply do not make the attempt to reach what they believe is their full potential!. That, most likely, is due simply to apathy or to laziness in following ones aspirations!.

Hope that helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a pretty driven guy, but I've learned that 99% of the work in the world gets done by mediocre people, while the remaining 1% get 99% of the credit for it!. The fact is that we can't all be above average at everything we do!. So does this mean that we are to settle into torpor!? Of course not!. But one element of maturity is the ability to do things for the simple joy of it, without worrying about the peanut gallery (including the one in our head)!. So one outcome of a healthy acceptance of mediocrity is freedom!. There is an unhealthy acceptance: rooted in laziness and lack of discipline!. I have little patience with that attitude!. But some of the happiest and most well-adjusted people I have ever known have been well!.!.!. average!. I envy them!. An interesting idea for a novel would be a story about an average Joe who none-the-less has a significant impact on the lives around him!. Unfortunately I have neither the temperment nor the imagination to produce such a tale!.

great question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that people tackle with the vortex of accepting conformation for a long time during their adolescant and - especially - preteen years, or shall we say, whilst they are 'finding themselves' (Heck, I still am, 16, stupid and proud!. Or so I think now!.)!. The enevitable drop into being mediocre occurs when they realise the risk of leaping for what they truly want and falling outweighs the pains of being accepted!. It's sad but true!. Everyone wishes everyone liked weirdness, because then we'd all be free to be ourselves!.

Oops, I didn't tell you what the result was: An endless inner tangle with unfufilled desires and a shell of inhibitions!. Welcome to Society, kid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The result is a mediocre life!. (not trying to be flip)

People do this because they feel they don't deserve any better!. And most of the time they feel they don't deserve any better because they've been told how mediocre they are!.

Funny how we believe the lies that satan puts on our inner hard drive even when we know they're lies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person may have the possibility to further advance, but willing to accept under full quality!.

You don't get your feelings crushed when you loose and you acan be proud cause you do better than somebody else!.

Not fully bad but you may want to go towards great in some area or another, to aviod becoming less than mediocrity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can become an underachiever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The result could be a Obama presidencyWww@QuestionHome@Com