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Position:Home>Philosophy> Bad life vs good?

Question: Bad life vs good!?
ok do you think some people are just have bad lifes for whatever reason nothing good really seems to happen to them!. / others might have good lives where nothing really bad happens them them
then theres other people who have both good and bad!.

honestly i cant think of one honestly one good thing thats happened to me, dont get me wrong im pretty ok with that all the bad stuff's made me a strong person but when is it my and my fellow bad life's people turn to get a break!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
try living in Africa for a week!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a very entertaining card game for four players called Black Mariah, or, sometimes Hearts which makes for an interesting allegory of life!.

Initially, in this game, it seems that a good hand would be one where you have low cards so you don't win any hearts or the black mariah (queen of spades) for which you score penalty points which you don't want!.

A bad hand would be one with high cards which cause you to win a lot of penalty points!.

However, the game has a couple of twists, firsly, if you have a very "bad" hand you can attempt what is called a grand slam or shooting the moon!. This is where you win all the hearts and the black queen so that everyone else then scores the sum of all the penalties and you score zero!. Failing to complete a grand slam, however, can be disasterous so it involves a certain amount of risk!.

Secondly, before tricks are played you are allowed to pass on 3 cards to the player one side of you whilst the player to the other side of you passes you 3 cards also!.

From this second twist you gain a little knowledge of what is in the hands of the 2 players immediately next to you but not of the one across the table from you!.

You can see that in this game you might be dealt high cards, low cards or mediocre cards, but, your fate is not sealed until you actually play!.

How you play the hands you are dealt makes all the difference, and skillful players can turn almost any hand to their advantage!. Good cards are often not so good and bad cards sometimes turn out to be the best


The key is to become the skillful player of the hand you are dealt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For any coin, there are two flat sides, one curve side and a body of unseen material, metal mostly!.

For any mature life, I mean over 30 years of length!. There are always some ups, some downs, some uncertainties, some this, some that!.!.!.

Not to judge our life as good or bad, try to experience and review different perspective of it from our friends and significant others, like parents and siblings!. There are always some aspects we want more and some items we would not like to mention or has to be improved!.

Life is never been perfect, and it is never been worse than death!.

Good luck !Www@QuestionHome@Com

if u hav ever walked in d streets and not been mugged, is that a good or bad thing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com