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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it wisdom or glory,the process or the result we value as human beings?

Question: Is it wisdom or glory,the process or the result we value as human beings!?
Is the process of playing through the game(Process) or winning the game(result)!.Is the Wisdom gained through the process or the Glory gained by the result more valuable!.I think this is a question ever competitor,Human being should ask them self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Profound and original, thought-provoking!.

For a philosopher the pursuit of wisdom is the goal!. Some, very few, achieve glory in the process but it is not the motivating factor!.

An enquiring mind is compelled to go through the process of gaining knowledge to reach a result or personal conclusion!.

Recognition or the glorification of someone achieving notable wisdom has it's own reward and value personally and to humanity

However, the gaining of wisdom is ultimately of most value for that can survive even after the gratification has died!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One may not want to win just for glory, it is just wise to see the game to its natural conclusion, to get as much out of it!. The result may not be so important in that case!. However there can be much to learning with having a positive result just as much as playing!.

But why does one have to be more important then the other, they seem like compliments to one another!. It is when our emotions become one sided that problems start to occur!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm putting those two in seperate categories of which is more valuable is a tough one!. I think the process and the result is both benefical!. Id say the result is more valuable, because you would have already gained the wisdom and learned everything about the "Game" , at the same time taking Glory in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to me the wisdom gained is the most valuble but most want the glory because thats is what they crave even though that glory for that game is only going to be short lived because tomarrow the next game will start!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it s bothWww@QuestionHome@Com