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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we pray for something ?

Question: Why do we pray for something !?
Don't you think that mean god is not capable of knowing what we deserve !? Dont you think it's an arrogant attempt to make god change his mind!? Don't you think by that way we show our disbelief in god as he is not capable to understand what we deserve !?If god fulfil our wish accordingly how we feel then there will be no earthquackes, tornedos, floods, and death and deceases !? will it be possible than for the world to balance itself !? We go and do the confessions , but without making confession do we think god will not know what our sins are !? How our sins be washed away only by making confessions or by changing whole of us, If we try to make us a better human then do we need to confess anythingn !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah but I think prayer has to do with faith that he will listen!.!.The reason people ask for things is like the reason people live for causes!.!.I don't know if that makes sense!. But also, I agree with what you said, prayer makes a change in the person who is praying more than anything else!.

Most authorities claim that there are five types of 'prayer':
WORSHIP: devotional thoughts towards perceived higher power;
THANKSGIVING: thanking HP for life, happiness etc;
CONFESSION: pleading for forgiveness for supposed sins etc;
PETITION: asking for something for one's self
INTERCESSION: asking for something for others!.

Generally speaking however, most prayer is basically SELFISH!. Even the most religious would have to agree that their prayers are based towards fulfilling some personal desire!.

Even a prayer such as "Peace to the world" or "Abolish all hunger", or "Heal the child next door of disease" is basically selfish!. It means that YOU don't like particular circumstances the way they are, so a higher power must be responsible, so 'it' should CHANGE THINGS to conform with YOUR wants!. "DO IT for ME ME ME so I won't feel so guilty/miserable about the state of the world!"

For those who believe in prayer, the only truthful and honest prayer is:
"Please help me to understand and accept why things are as they are!."


You ask some insightful questions!.

Prayer is, as you say, not a means of informing God of something which has been overlooked!.

Prayer is attuning ourselves to God's Love, Truth, and Joy, so that we are more at one with and reflecting those qualities!.

As those come into our beings and lives, we outpicture those qualities we seek!.

"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, and
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, explain further!.

"Psychoenergetic Science," William A!. Tiller, Ph!.D!., http://www!.tiller!.org and
"Extraordinary Knowing," Elizabeth Mayer, Ph!.D!., give additional, science-related information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prayer is not supposed to be us asking God for this or that!. Remember the Lord's prayer!? Jesus, who was without sin, asked only for forgiveness of sins and "our daily bread" and nothing else!. The prayer the Lord taught us is an unselfish prayer of praise to the Creator!. People always seem to forget that!. They are confused about the meaning and intentions of prayer!. They have forgotten how to pray!. Prayer is not supposed to be us asking God for what we want!. Prayer is us accepting the gift Jesus gave us on the cross and thanking and praising the Father for providing that gift!. Nothing more, and nothing less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prayer is a form of meditation!. It is a means to become closer with God!.

But ironically when we ask for things to be different then they are this actually takes us further from God!. Usually only the devil hears those prayers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

god doesn't change his mind boy!.
when you pray you tell him what you want although he already knew this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com