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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think life is starting to get a little boring?

Question: Do you think life is starting to get a little boring!?
One day I was driving on the freeway when it hit me!.
I work, I eat, I sleep, I play, I go out, and I go to a lot of places more than once!. I've met a lot of interesting people!. Some appear to have things all figured out, while others just float!. I've noticed that the experiences I've been having are starting to appear repetitive, they just occur on different days!. So, doing the same things over and over again make them seem less interesting!. The world is not as exciting as it once was when I was younger!. Now I am wondering were that excitement went!. I fear that my world is becoming stagnant!. What is there left to do!? If I sound a little depressed, I am not, I am just taking an honest look at what is going on around me, and wondering if there are others who feel the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is time to get more circulation in your life! More open air! With all that is going on in the world today, how can you say that you are bored!?
I am a homemaker, a mom with six grown children and a wonderful husband!. I hardly ever leave home!. When I do, it is 'hurry up and get home'- if I can get out of the house to begin with! I have so much to do and not enough time in the day to even scratch the surface!
Life 'is' what you make it ! You 'choose' to be 'bored'! Put your focus outside your'self' and you will spread your wings and fly away! Wow, what a concept! It works!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're in a rut, and going through the motions of living!. How many times do you need to repeat your experiences!? Can't you recognize what is boring you, and avoid it!? I avoid everything that bores me!. Do the same, and the path you are traveling will open up to new experiences that will make you feel young again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is good! You've started to look for !. !. !. Hey, what are you looking for!?
One other day you'll discover there is NOTHING
to look for !!?!
Everything is there as it should be,
and there is also nothing!.

I was looking for answers all of my life for ONE subject!. It was right there, all the time!. What was I looking for!? To understand, to discover WHAT!?

Don't look for, be happy !. !. !.
!. !. !. just you to
BE !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

to get all your aims&your desires in a welfare way make our life is meaningless but to feel the suffrings of others although they are happy with little you know how God gifts for you be beyond your bordrers&see the sufferigs of others,try to help them but never blame yourself about what you have do what you think is proper ? what others want you to make,it is your own life!.nawalWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Life feels like it's the same crap over and over again!. It's even worse when you're a minor, because there's nothing you can do to make it more exciting!. I feel like our society thrives on making things easy for people!. The answer!? Find someplace where NOTHING is easy for people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are stuck in a rut!. Do something different!. Go out of your way to help someone, talk to people you don't agree with and listen to what they believe, or take a trip to Las Vegas go broke and end up living under a bridge!. Just remember live for today for tomorrow is not guaranteed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I feel the same way!. I feel as if life is nothing but a Vicious Cycle that every once in a while has a couple unpredicted events, that makes Life feel like it's not a vicious cycle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is just the accumulation of experience!. Try to find new and interesting things to do that will stimulate you - try a ouija board, learn sky diving, take up boxing etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like you need to make a plan to do some things to spice up your life!. Get a hobby, Volenteer for something!.
Take a short trip on the weekend!.

Only you can change thingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

May I suggest a certain late night radio program that is guaranteed to expand your horizons!? You can access information at http://www!.coasttocoastam!.com

You may become scared out of your wits at times, but NEVER will you ever be bored again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats because you need to start creating instead of consuming!. Try writing a stroy, learn photoshop or famitracker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go sandbag in Iowa!. Join a volunteer group!. Read the news!. The world is getting crazier every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

theres probably something missing in you lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com