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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does cultural relativism mean to you as a individual?

Question: What does cultural relativism mean to you as a individual!?
Think in terms of philosophyWww@QuestionHome@Com

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To me cultural relativism just means that different cultures have different moral codes!. Now if I made a judgment about the validity of the cultures morals I move into ethical relativism!. Are we looking at the professed morals of a culture or the actual morality!? Who is to say what a culture is!? What distinguishes one culture from another!? How can one say something is the norm within a culture if it isn't clear what a culture is!.One of the main qualities of ethical relativism is the idea of tolerance of other cultures!. How can we have tolerance of other cultures if tolerance isn't a universal value!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means that I cannot understand responses from members of other cultures unless I know THEIR cultural context out of which those responses arise!. Implicit knowledge acquired through cultural osmosis primes thought and behavior!. That is elemental, yet often forgotten when people who spent their teen years and adulthood in C2 are viewed!. It is easy to forget that the most potent priming occurs in C1 before the age of 5!. These effects are well studied for L1, L2 conditions, but that focus, while important is somewhat narrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not valid as some things are universal or you will not be talking about a "culture" at all!.
By definition it is an oxymoron!.
However cultural awareness is a different idea all together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com