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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do some people just can't Forgive other's mistakes?

Question: Why do some people just can't Forgive other's mistakes!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because of crystallised ego!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whoa! That all depends on what you've done to me!.

Why should I forgive you, when you could just not do the thing that needs the forgiving!.

I find that some people use forgiveness as a way to continue a pattern of behaviour to others!. The abusive partner, for example, always begs for forgiveness for their mistake -- until the next time they punch you in the face or kick you!.

The unfaithful partner, often asks for forgiveness for the mistake -- until they meet the next person to have an affair with!.

The gambler often asks for forgiveness, until the next mortgage payment is due and the children need food and clothes!.

The addict often asks for forgiveness until the next time that they steal from you!.

The politician often asks for forgiveness until the next time they lie to you!.

My forgiveness for anyone is directly related to the action that they have taken against me!. My suggestion then is to choose one's actions wisely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone makes mistakes!. This realisation ALONE should be enough for us to forgive others' mistakes!. If we accept the fact that man IS fallible indeed, we wouldn't be riding on our high horse and looking down upon others with anger or hatred!.

It is the ego of a person that stops him/her from forgiving others!. Some like to play the victim/martyr and go on harbouring resentments instead of sorting things out!. Some go to an extreme & would be satisfied only after extracting their revenge!. Either way it is a sign of immaturity and/or negative personality!.

Forgiving others is actually an act that sets you free!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are two types!.!.!.!.

The people who truly are so disgusted, or hurt by the mistakes of another that they can't bear to think of you as a decent person anymore!.

And the people who couldn't give less of a poop and want to hold your mistakes against you and gain off of your guilt!.

I wish everybody was worth forgiving!. But some people deserve to be shunned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


We can be our own worst enemies!. We often allow anger to rule much of our time and energy!. We tell ourselves "WE HAVE A RIGHT TO BE ANGRY" in order to justify our behavior and give new power to the anger!. In life there are few things as harmful to ourselves and anti-productive as maintaining a level of anger which is unreasonable!.

I was recently sent to the hospital for 36 days after meeting a drunk driver!. I haven't thought about the other driver much and am proud to say that I feel no anger!. I needed all my energy for healing because my life was on the line!. I will recover fully!. I'm just an ordinary guy who had a lot of help (I think I had some divine intervention), but not wasting time with anger has helped me to grow and to get on with my life!.

It is simply a choice which we must all deal with!. I say, "Deal with the anger, get through it, and get on with your life!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

TO BE forgiving is not always easy!. Often because of the cruelty of other people, or their carelessness, or poor judgment, much pain, injury or embarrassment must be endured!. One could quite easily harbor resentment and feel justified in doing so, but the Bible recommends that we be forgiving!. Why!?
There are many reasons!. One very important reason is that we are in need of God’s forgiveness!. The Bible tells us that we “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” that we are constantly in need of his forgiveness!. (Rom!. 3:23)
Another reason why the Bible recommends that we be forgiving is that we love ourselves!. As the apostle Paul so well stated it: “No man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it,” which care is an expression of man’s love for himself!.—Eph!. 5:29; Matt!. 22:39!.
Since we do love ourselves, we would not want to burden ourselves needlessly, would we!? Yet that is what we are doing when we nurse grudges and refuse to be forgiving, for as one person wrote: “A grudge is too heavy a load for any man to carry!.”
Wisely God’s Word counsels us: “Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state!.” (Eph!. 4:26) A deliberate effort should be made to write off the wrong and restore the fractured relationship as soon as possible, the very day the rupture takes place, if possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there is WILL then there is a way!.
First WILL yourself to ignore the emotional feelings rising within you!.
If you are calm and loving alone can forgive others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because!.!.its hard to forget!.!.!.thus forgive!.!.!.it either keeps running into thoughts and disgusts us!.

For inner peace, its best to forgive the unforgiveable but never forget!. and move on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel like forgiving someone is the same as saying that you trust that person again, and for some people their afraid to get hurt againWww@QuestionHome@Com

They don't realize how much they've been forgiven of themselves!. Romans 5:8Www@QuestionHome@Com

All people have their own faults!. please forgive them my dear Jeannie Kathleen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they don't forgive themselves their own ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com