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Position:Home>Philosophy> Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination?

Question: Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination!?
Explain this quote by E!.E cummings!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Good question!.
Essentially, what he's getting at is that the mind is capable of imagining anything!. Only when something becomes a known fact does that 'kill' imagination!. However, although the (need for) imagination is then dead, the fact remains so is thus not buried!.

For example, you can imagine a tiger to have a pink body with blue stripes until you have the knowledge that a tiger has a yellow body with black stripes!. This is the point at which your imagined version is dead - you can still imagine it, but you know it's not a tiger if it's blue and pink!. So the knowledge that it's yellow and black has 'killed' the imaginary pink and blue version (at least as a tiger), but you can still imagine what a black and yellow one looks like!. Hence the Knowledge of what a real tiger looks like has rendered your imagined version 'dead' but it's not 'buried' because you can go on imagining it in a philosophical sense - it's entirely possible in the randomness of things that there may still be a blue and pink tiger, but not what we 'know' to be a tiger!.

Good brain exercise for a bright morning, friend!. Well done you for asking the question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge is information gleaned from another's experience, and your own experience!. We can then learn from this, and our own mistakes, to improve our own knowledge!.
Some peoples thinking and imagination may be suppressed by other peoples knowledge, such as religion!.
Others imaginations may flourish from the horizons opened to them by having access to the knowledge of others,
Therefore as we are all individuals, we are only suppressed by our own lack of ambition, and imagination!.
Surely knowledge is empowering!.

This probably doesn't answer the quote but has made me think!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is, of course, impossible to explain a quote!.

But it might be said that knowledge sometimes takes over for a dead imagination!.

In other words, how nice that you have knowledge!.

So sorry about your buried imagination dying!.

Think of a little boy or girl; great imagination - magnificent thoughts and dreams - color -

And then education, with awareness, and the sudden cooling off of imagination - but the imagination - not buried - not dead -

In other words - STAY YOUNG!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Imagination is the faculty of mind, whereas knowledge is the possession, the content that often is vital and dynamic just like a living thing, all the time expanding and increasing all the time, a produce of its own yielding!. I believe a great deal can be obtained through the act of imagining things through!. There is great deal that can be visualised beyond all other capabilities of the mind, but to say knowledge is merely the corps of our imagination that we drag along, in my view, is wrong!. First of all, as I said before knowledge is the content of mind where imagination is faculty, a vital tool, for perception!. Unlike knowledge that can be acquire in varying degrees at various levels, imagination is innate, instinctive and fixed with certain capacities for each mind of a person!.

Besides, if imagination is an entity fluid, vitally impulsive and capriciously furtive, then knowledge is fuel!. ‘I know something that that would blow your mind’, is common to say, but what does that means!? Why do we find knowledge inspirational to the mind that it gives us our ambitions, aspirations and dreams of a much advanced and elevated life!? Then we have our knowledge of faith that takes us even further into the realms of the unknown and give us hope of an after life, of glorious heavens and bliss of paradise!. This is knowledge, not imagination on its own, that has improved our lot through darkest of hours of human history!. It is knowledge whose tree has born fruit that we benefit and enjoy today in our daily life!. A mind would be dead without imagination, but without knowledge no one would know that it is tWww@QuestionHome@Com

e!.e!. cummings
lights into the enormous room
of his imagination
smells something over-ripe
thinks it is something known
instead of his


I just think the curiosity is great hey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

howard3570 and cobra are both correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com