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Position:Home>Philosophy> Recommend any good books on philosophy?

Question: Recommend any good books on philosophy!?

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I strongly recommend "Philosophy: who needs it" by Ayn Rand, specially if you are interested in something introductory (some motivating thing to start with)!. This is not a theorist-oriented book but a collection of essays arguing some topics and ideas very well!.

I should say: The book is embedded in the Rand philosophy (which she called "Objectivism") so it's not an introduction on all existing philosophies!. But the book is worth of reading even if you don't agree with her, because it explains quite well why you should care about ideas, essentials and principles "in order to live on the Earth"!.

In my experience, the best essays are:
1) Philosophy, Who Needs It
3) The Metaphysical Versus the Man-Made
6) An Open Letter to Boris Spassky
10) Causality Versus Duty
17) What Can One Do

The book's name comes from the first essay, which is also a speech given to West Point graduating class of 1974!.
You can read this first essay in this link:


There are many books but they are oriented to students, so they can be quite heavy to read!. I suppose there will be many suggestions here!. A better structured book on Objectivism is " Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" by Leonard Peikoff!. "Atlas Shrugged" the Rand best seller is also embedded of objectivism but it's a novel (fiction)!. You can always choose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is in your library, volumes II and III of the Great Books of the Western World!. Ask your teacher/librarian if it isn't the best series of books on philosophy!. But the book in the link is also volumes II and III and you may find it in the library catalogue computer as the Syntopicon!.

It goes by topic, not by philosopher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start with the dialogs of Plato!.
(1) The Phaedo
(2) The Republic
(3) The Sophist
(4) The Meno

These four, while not particularly chosen because they are the best of the best, will help you understand possibly the most influential philosopher who ever lived!. Most of Plato's philosophy can be found even in the modern philosophers!.

A good book to read along with would be G!.M!.E Grubbs book "Plato's Thought"!. This book explains Plato's thought of morality, the soul, art, politics, etc!.

I chose Plato first because (1) He is probably the most influential philosopher who ever lived, and (2) because it's typical for those beginning with philosophy to become acquainted with Plato before any others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder is a really good starting book!.
It's a novel!.
Kind of light reading but it gives you an overview of the history of philosophy so that you can see where you want to read more!.

Many people hate it because they had to read it at school!.

If you wanted something more academic then just ignore me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any particular kind of philosophy that you're looking for!? Western!? Eastern!? !?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hilary Putnam: "Reason, Truth and History"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Buddha in your mirror!. Greg Martin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com