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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could a Genius and a Fool ever be true friends???

Question: Could a Genius and a Fool ever be true friends!?!?!?
Now, while the Fool can learn (or, at least try to) plenty from the Genius, what is in it for the Genius except maybe amusement!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
friendship!. i don't see the point you're trying to make!. being a true friend takes loyalty and it all depends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While the fool may learn things from the genius!.

The genius can also be true friends with the fool!. As I believe a fool too, though intellectually not as capable as the genius, possesses other qualities that are worth being friends for!.

If the genius is really a true genius!. He should know that the more you learn, you would discover that there are more things that elude you!.

Therefore if he thinks that the fool is capable of only solely for providing amusement!. He is indeed lacking in one aspect, that is emotional intelligence and that all human beings must be treated with respect!. Thus, he isnt really the genius he thought himself to be!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes: At first Thee genius would enjoy imparting all of their wisdom upon the fool, who in turn would listen and be grateful for their company!. But as time went by the genius would become annoyed and even angered at the fool who listened but never really understood, the genius would shout at the fool in frustration!. The fool would also fall out with the genius for being so cruel and unthoughtful!.
They would be friends for a while before they fell out due to the genius' lack of patience!.
What the genius would take from the experience (to begin with) is the wonderful feeling of always being right and of being so, so clever, even more so than the fool!.!.!. but the genius isn't clever enough to teach the fool, which in turn makes the fool at least in one area, more clever than the genius!.!.!. I like that last idea, even the genius has a weakness (maybe that's what's in it for the genius, the understanding that nobody is perfect)!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aren't you talking about 1 person!.

I mean, you can take me from a ForensicResearch Lab and put me in a Psychiatrists Office, and I about all I could do with any surety!. Would be vacuum the floor and polish the Desk Top!.

Then when you place me in my Lab, & ask me to work out the Compression Dynamics Ratio of Humane Bone, when impacted upon a Liquid Surface of about 1' 6" to 7' depth, by 8' wide and 12' long from a height of between 150' and 200' and I could do it easily, only don't ask me now!. As it has been some 18yrs, since Ive had to do it and I'd like to forget a lot of things!.!.

So, in this situation!.
Am I a genius in Psychiatry and a fool in Forensics or Vice Versa !?!?!?
Doesn't it depend on the situation and circumstances, AT THE TIME!. To determine Fool or Genius !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must read Of Mice and Men if you haven't already done so!. It is true that fools may learn, but they bring something equally valuable to the table: companionship!. It can be very lonely just being gifted, let alone having genius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For such a frienship to be possible,a genius should be wise enough to envy the fool, and the fool should not be foolish enough to envy the genius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. What is in it is the innocence and the newness - genius often needs inspiration - the Fool can be this spark - and also watching someone's learning process is fascinating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!.!.!.!. sure!. maybe; if the fool is really no fool at all and only one hell of an incredible actress!. *grins*

!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. there's something to be learned from everything, my friend!.!.!.!. even for the genius!.


The fool can learn but the genius has too grandee of an ego!. In the Tarot the fool is the Magician who has transcend knowledge for truth!. Call me a fool any time, its been my goal in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh please

the genius has more to learn from the fool!.

My question to you who came up with the term fool!?
The genius!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course fools can be friends with genii!. The only thing that separates them are stigmas branded upon them by those ignorant enough not to see beyond the surfaces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The fool is the twin of the wise" - The Blind man from the film "Circle of Iron"Www@QuestionHome@Com

sure, and after a while you cannot say who is the fool and who is the genius anymore!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fools and genius are always true friends!.

It take one to see the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea Nice
ever be Friend
Thank YouWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why not!?!.!.!. Friendship only requires love, and for some, an added compatibility!. It is some 'foolish dream' that usually motivates one into 'finding out'!. Both the genius and the fool dream that!. Then, discovering it gives one the right to claim that 'genius badge'!. If it goes to his head, he loses that claim and becomes a fool!.
A 'fool' amuses us!. A 'genius' amuses the world!. So if I have to choose between a genius and a fool to be my friend,!.!. I'll choose a genius first,!.!. because I am a 'fool'!.!.!. And then, I'll spend the best of my life with the likes of me!.

As friends, the genius and the fool would compliment each other!. At times, the wisdom of the fool even exceeds that of the genius!.!.!. as the fool may have gathered them from past erratic experiences!.!.!.while the genius gets his from practicality of thoughts and philosophical books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com