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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do many people of faith believe that it is either their way or hell?

Question: Why do many people of faith believe that it is either their way or hell!?
Honestly, does it not take much effort to open a book or get educated about different religions!? I don't understand why people of any one religion believe that their religion is "right" and the other ones are "wrong", isn't it all just a human perspective!? i mean while all this stuff can help you in your personal life, i!.e!. overcoming extreme difficulties, when applied to the masses it causes war, hatred and suffering am i wrong!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because that's the way 'sheeple' are!. Most of them never outgrow their need to have a parental figure telling them what to do, say, think or how to act!.
The technical word is 'morons'!.


People of faith believe it is either their way or hell because they have faith!.

To me, this is kind of ignorant!. Most religious people are religious because thats the kind of environment they were living; thats how their parents brought them up, etc!.

Many people dont question things when they consider something as: "this is how we live"!. They confuse between necessities and choice!. Because of this, they think a specific religion is a necessity, thus thinking this as the true religion!.

To me, they are all wrong!. The bible, koran, etc, have no proof that that is the true word of god and there is no proof that a specific religion is more "right" compared to other ones!.

I find it funny that many religious people say other religious people/atheists are going to hell when they themselves are basically at the same level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If exclusive belief is a tenet of your particular faith, it would be silly to believe other than that all other religions are wrong!. Not taking any other issues with religious belief into account, it would be pretty contradictory to be a Christian who believes Hinduism's worldview is also true - reincarnation just doesn't fit in with a Heaven and Hell perspective!.

I'm not arguing for any religion in particular here, just sayin'!. And you're absolutely right that it has caused war, hatred and suffering - but is that a necessary result, or can someone be respectful of others while still sticking to the truth of their belief!? Hmm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No oyu are not wrong and Its an interesting dynamic - Psychologically needing to split humanity into good and bad and be part of the chosen ones who will get rewarded whilst the bad gets punished!. Pretty Freudian!.
I guess it's all about dissociation from our darkest side rather than integration!.

Right and wrong dualism really bothers me in terms of how people live this life, becaue it goes nowhere and leads to no learning - It feel like the easy way - to back a horse - to back a story and then concentrate on that story to the exclusion of all around - I worry about these people who are murmuring about gods wills when we have global warming and overpopulation to contend with - which we have created!.

I think that dualism leads to non-groundedness with what is right now, and how to be human!. I am pretty sure that taking our eye off the ball in this way is going to make us the first species to self destruct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The lifetime is too small to understand every other religion!. So only with what people know, they are trying to conclude!. This must be the problem!. Without even a comparison, people feel what they have understood is better than other!.
If religions (in a way the preachers of the religion) give poeple somesort of maturity to accept and understand the differences, this problem may vanish!.
No one tries to learn religion on his own!. They are in fact taught over generations!. So every time it is taught the teachers are adding their own personnel opinions to it and finally we have them now in a bad shape!.
I don't think any religion is telling us to hate others!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that's quite simple, people need something to believe in or there is no purpose to life, in their eyes!. sooner or later it gets pasted on to the youth, which is easily manipulated (take for instance Hitler and the Hitler youth groups) this soon becomes their belief and just keeps cycling until this religion is the only true fact in their book!. you see life is very strange in the fact that we are the only known planet with life, so if we only live for at average 60-70 years than why are we even here, start talking about heavens and you need to think of why we didn't just start there, then, this is the best part, people get these theories about it being our judgment period, then all of the religions start to clash, wars are started and in the end with all of it mixed together we all end up going to "hell"Www@QuestionHome@Com

A very good question, however also very difficult to answer!. Yes when it comes down to individual people religon is not as!.!.!.!.!.biast than it is with the masses!. I hate to relate this to a movie but this is the best way I can put it into perspective!. I quote Men In Black:

"But why not just tell people!? They're smart, they can handle it!." Will Smith asking Tommy Lee Jones!.
"The person is smart!. People are dumb, panicky creatures and you know it!."

I may not have gotten the quote exactly right but the jist of it is that when you talk to a person on a one on one basis its easy to debate a religon!. But when you've got an angry mob of believers on your hands you might as well be talking to a brick wall!. Hope this helps!.
Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is not the religion or faith of the common man that divides people!.

it is the endless greed and hunger for power of the religious!.

the egyptians made a mistake of humiliating the jews who made a mistake of not accepting the virtues of Jesus's teachings!. As for Islam, it was based on imposing leadership on others to get free tributes - an easy survival tactics to make a living in the desert ! although it preaches a virtuous and pious life - in the desert you need to be every disciplined!.

In India when Buddhism was born as Buddha pointed out deep faults in Hinduism, caste system and Sanskrit being used by only the priests and the royal family, exercising penances to achieve a nirvana etc!. a majority of Hindus accepted Buddha as an avatar, in India pure buddhism is almost non-existant but Hindus believe in the virtues of Buddhism!.

In current times, religion is used an excuse to plunder and kill and rule injustly to accumulate wealth and power!.

I do not see any end to it in the near future, but it shall end one day - how, when and into what!? to be seen!.


Spiritual experience is more directly connected to soul than to physis!.

Personal experience in this mode often occurs along aspects or portions of Light!.

One group, over time, tends to emphasize certain aspects; another group, other aspects!. E!.g!., Judaism, the Word and Justice, Christianity, Love and Truth!.

Outside of the Light-aspects and -emphases, the group tends to perceive only error (other groups)!.

Similar dynamics occur in e!.g!. cultures (Tutsi and Hutu, Rwandan massacres), dogmas (Khmer Rouge), and sports fandom (Go Mets!)!.

"A Philosophy of Universality," O!. M!. Aivanhov;
"Dossier on the Ascension," Serapis Bey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The reason is human nature!. IF someone have given everything to be part of a religion and for some reason or some person creates doubt or holes in their religion then that person just spent a lifetime being wrong!. That is why people fight so hard to hold on, not because they believe they are right, but because they could be wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i personally don't think you're wrong!. it's all in the interperatation!. some religions believe that for sinners death is final!. there is no hell or heaven!. they believe that once you die, after a certain amount of time, the good people (the people who read the bible and tried to follow the rules) will be resurrected and live in heaven on earthWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the Lord gave us all a brain so that we can use it!. Some people just want to believe what everybody else tells them to believe!. Others prefer to do their own research and find the answers for themselves!. It gets very dangerous when any group tries to force their beliefs on others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excellent question, but I am reading no further than your original question!.

People of 'faith' that believe that it is either their way or the highway to hell are not people of faith; they are people of dogma!.

God is always better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com