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Question: Just Wondering, Where is the LOVE!?
Why is it so hard for people to find lovr these days!. It did not seem like it was as hard 30, or even 20yrs ago and they did not have the internet to get onto the dating sites to find love!. What in your opinion is the problem or do you feel that their is no problem at all!. Please sserious answers only!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Love is so hard to find because people underestimate it!.

Love is not ONLY that lovely fluffy feeling!.

What not many realize is that love is a complete combination of every emotion in existance put into two people!. People only expect the fluffy, and when they don't just get that feeling, they throw it away without realizing what they had!.

I also believe that many people give themselves up too easily, believing that they are in love!.

It's just something you can't rush into, or rush out of!. It requires thought and intelligence!. It requires trust!. So many people cheat these days there really is little hope, it seems!.

It's there, we just have to have patience!. We need to achieve great things before we reach Love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the world has only recently become a bigger place!.

With the internet opening these new doors and windows people
are realizing that they can be picky now, they don't have to
settle for whoever!. Getting divorce is so much easier now and
not frowned upon so much so leaping in a relationship isn't
as big of a deal as before because we have Safety Lines now!.

They were happy back then because they thought that was
what made then happy!.

Unfortunately, love is taken for granted anymoreWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends what you are looking for!. Are you looking for a brief encounter or a life time companion!? What are you criteria!? Where do you try and meet people!?
If you are of a certain faith then your church/temple/hall is the first logical place to start!. You may want to have someone that is known to people you trust!.
Start by asking really close friends what they think your "type" is!. You may have a very different idea, and they may be able to see who would be good with your personality!.
I learned the difference between what you want and what you need!. Friends are good at knowing the difference!.
What about joining clubs that interest you!? Let your hobbies and interests help introduce you to a whole new pool of people!. Be careful not to rush into anything with someone whose history you don't yet know!.
Good luck!. The love is out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe love is predestined for all of us!. We don't need to find it, it will come just when we least expect it!. People nowadays are so busy with their lives, career and other things many had refused love when they see one!. It's their choice actually, choosing something over love!.!.!.

But you know what/ Love is like a butterfly!.!.!. the more you chase it, the more it will elude you!. But, if you keep your attention on other things, it will come and sit on your shoulder, and maybe, it will stay forever!. Call me a hopeless but I do believe i forever and that I know, someone out there is tryng and waiting to find me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people are not as open to wearing their heart on their sleeve anymore!.!. its too much of a risk because you stand a chance of getting your heart broke!.!. and as far as looking for love on the internet, i think that is crazy!.!. you get what you pay for!.!. patience is a virtue and if people would just stop looking for love and let it come to them they would find that there is someone out there for them!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think tht as the world grows and becomes btter also bad things happen so maybe thts why sumppl just give up!.!.in finding love i mean its almost stupid to belivee in such thing!.but then again tht's just my opinion!.!.!.!.or its also possible tht the LOVE is just inside but werre too lazy to search!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel that people are becoming more and more lazy!. They are not really trying to find the love around them or they just have too high of standards!. I think people need to just get love out because the love is inside of us, you just have to let them into your heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people usually have the wrong idea of Love!.

Ask anyone if they are involved with someone!. If the answer is yes, ask them if they rather be aligned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com