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Position:Home>Philosophy> Imperfect subjunctive [ first and best answer ten points]?

Question: Imperfect subjunctive [ first and best answer ten points]!?
querer , insistiren , pedir , recomendar, dudar, creer , esperar, sugerir, exigir,prohibir
can any one put them in the impertefect tense, i can't do there right and i need them,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
weird section
i take spanish class
queraba insistirian pedian recomendaba dudaba creia esperaba sugeria exigia prohibia that is the "I" and "he/she" form!. not sure what subjunctive is but above is the imperfect tense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find it interesting that Yahoo! put this in the philosophy section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com