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Question: Will crying everyday over a cheating man help!?
please tell me something positive I have been crying for 5 years and still havent got over the fact that the love of my life has cheated on me and married another woman all behind my backWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Help what, Honey!? You NEED to SOB!. And you MUST do it!. Don't let anyone tell you not to!. That's for certain!. This cannot and will not be overlooked, but!.!.!.!.

Again, help what, 'cause it sure is not about getting over him; you're holding onto him for dear life, as if he and the loss of him gave your life MEANING, as if they were YOUR LIFE PRESERVER!.

But the REAL question is whom, what does he SYMBOLIZE!. He's history, but what's making you cry IS NOT!

You are trying to help yourself to get free of pain, through catharsis, by hearing the truth of your deep and sad feelings, but again that pain is NOT this man!!!

After five years, you know it's not going to do FREE you, because that's what the crying is TRYING SO HARD TO DO--GIVE YOU FREEDOM, GROUNDING, MEANING!?

Ask yourself, WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU!? What do you GET out of crying!? You wouldn't be sobbing, if you weren't GAINING at least something from it!. "Human beings were designed to work!."*

I don't think it's about this "love of your life", or anyone in your current life!. The love in your life has to be YOU, anyway!. He's about him!. His wife is about her!. Survival-city!

This is something from the deep, hidden PAST that wants to get your attention BADLY!. Your sobs are trying to OPEN your ears and force your mind and heart to something way back, that you weren't ALLOWED to cry about!.

I'm sorry to be so personal, but I can feel it!. I can sense it!.

These are tears from a long time ago!.

Somewhere you were "cheated" of your childhood, of some innocence in your childhood!. You were Betrayed a long time ago by someone you were too young and shocked to cry about, and now those tears are TRYING TO TALK TO YOU!.

And, guess what!. LISTEN TO THEM!.

With caring,

Honey, that wasn't true love!. Your true love will never hurt you!.

Life is tough, but that toughness teaches you valuable lessons!. Better yourself and keep your head up because you are better than him and stronger than anyone else!.
You know you are better off without him!.
You also know life goes on, so don't stay locked in the room of the past because you'll miss all the surprises life is bringing you for the future :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Crying will not help!.

The past is the past!. You have to let it go!. Look to the future!. Set some goals for yourself and work towards them!. Positive goals for your life!. Goals can help you focus on the future!.

Good luck to you!. It is hard to change!. Change usually works in a two steps forward, one step back sort of way!. Do not be discourage by setbacks as they are part of the process!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, my gosh, 5 years!. What his cheating must of just happened recently right!? Not 5 years ago!.

Hey, how could he be the love of your life, if he is a lying cheating !.!.!.!.you know what!. Let her have him! My gosh, he will do the same to her and thank goodness you didn't wind up at the alter with this fool!.

Give yourself a break, stop crying over him!. Look at yourself in the mirror and know that you are too good for him!!!!.!.!.walk away with your head held high, knowing that you are the one that is good, loving and have so much to offer a man in the future!. Never look back!. For in looking backwards, you are bound to miss "that true love of your life" coming right at you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say don't waste anymore tears on this man! You've already wasted 4 years and 6 months too many!. He doesn't deserve all this attention and thought from you after what he did!.

Want more for yourself!. There are a million men out there that don't cheat!. Allow your heart to heal so that you can find that special man that is right for you and will treat you the way that you deserve!.

What would you say to a friend that told you what you've written here!? Say that to yourself!. Love yourself enough to not waste another second on that cheating loser!.

Good luck, my thoughts are with you!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only if you want to write blues songs!.!.!.
Five years is way too long!.!.!.I fear there is something wrong with you!.
Use my string theory:
Imagine everything about him that you like/love and write it down!.
Then think through each thing and decide if it's real, or you just think it's like that!.
Connect each thing to him with an imaginary string!.
Now go through and decide which of the strings is an illusion and cut that string!.
Keep at it until you cut them all, then when you have doubts in the future, go back and remind yourself that you cut the strings for good reason!.
works for me!.
If it's not real,Www@QuestionHome@Com

5 years is too long!. He's gone; accept it!. Move on!. Hard words, but you're letting an event in the past control your present and your future!. He isn't even thinking about you anymore; why waste time on it!?

Cry for something worth the tears, not a memory of someone who never thinks of you, and didn't even when he was with you!.
Get angry, and change your life!. Or get some counselling!. Even if he were dead, it would be time to stop mourning and start living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sweetie he wasn't the love of your life!. the love of your life would never do such a thing to you!. don't shed another tear over him!. you deserve some one much better than a cheater!. you have wasted too many tears over some piece of crap!. no more! get out there and find a real man not some little boy who can't make a commitment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

5 years ago!? time to move on honey!.!. there are lots of guys out there!.!. you shouldnt waste one tear on that jerk!.!. go out!. have a good time!. and find someone thats gunna really care about you!.!.!. please put this in the past and get on with your life!! you'll be much happier!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Suck it up and go find another man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get a good substitute!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

girl, how many times do you think your cheating x has thought of you!? move on!Www@QuestionHome@Com