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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's your biggest dream in life?

Question: What's your biggest dream in life!?
I seriously love reading what people write about things like this!.
I read them all
no matter how manyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually have a two part dream!.
1!. A cure for autism!. I have 2 boys with it and my dream is for them to actually experience the little things in life and appreciate them like the breeze on a spring afternoon, the thrill of anticipation on Christmas Eve, knowing that I love them!.
2!. Being loved and knowing that I am loved without feeling that there are strings attached for it!. I know that people say that they love you, but how often do they really express it without words!? Unless it's something that they can get or hold over your head, then how do you know if it's true!?
Sorry to be so cynical, but it's the life that I have and I'm working on it!:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My dream is to be as happy as I possibly can!. When I get older and have my REAL job, I want to be an artist!. I want to be able to live my life to the fullest, without money or limitations being a problem!. I imagine having a big studio filled with my art and supplies!. I picture being able to make whatever my imagination creates and to be surrounded in something that makes me feel free!. I don't want to be wealthy or powerful, I want to be carefree and happy!. This is my biggest dream!.

Thank you for asking, every time I tell people my dream, it makes me feel happy!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I want to travel the world and write a book!.
Help people and make a difference in the world!.
And fall deeply, madly, in love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

travel to all parts of the world, journey in jungles, pyramids, oceans, caves, and learn about different cultures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be an angel of protection!. (seriously)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just to be happy without any wishes left!.
I think this is a dream that never comes true - like dreams are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have my own farm on a tropical island with a boat!. and make lots of money writing books and beautiful island wife while we're at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To die young!. Oh damn I screwed that up!Www@QuestionHome@Com