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Position:Home>Philosophy> How would you do to prosper in life?

Question: How would you do to prosper in life!?
Generally speaking!.!.!.!.How!?
Thanks for all your views!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
By stopping judgment and just by being!. Life is always beckoning and all we have to do to prosper is to allow ourselves to be led!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It requires intelligence to secure one's share of the desirable things of life!. It is wholly erroneous to suppose that faithfulness in doing one's daily work will insure the rewards of wealth!. Barring the occasional and accidental acquirement of wealth, the material rewards of the temporal life are found to flow in certain well-organized channels, and only those who have access to these channels may expect to be well rewarded for their temporal efforts!. Poverty must ever be the lot of all men who seek for wealth in isolated and individual channels!. Wise planning, therefore, becomes the one thing essential to worldly prosperity!. Success requires not only devotion to one's work but also that one should function as a part of some one of the channels of material wealth!. If you are unwise, you can bestow a devoted life upon your generation without material reward; if you are an accidental beneficiary of the flow of wealth, you may roll in luxury even though you have done nothing worth while for your fellow men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would make a study of the Bibles tenants on business!.
Believe it or not that book has more horse sense in business than you can learn in ten decades!
Particularly the "Old Testament"!. People wonder why the Jewish nation always has wealthy men and women !.!.!. it is because they follow their "Torah" and it gives them sage advice in living, as well as earning a living!.
The Bible is more than the common mans misconceptionsns!. And if you want to know why the Jewish people are always wealthy I can tell you it isn't because they are cheap (another misconception) it is because they follow the rules and regulations God Almighty has set down before them!. And they study our God's word!. In the study of His word they actually garner a great deal of business sense as a bonus kind of thing if you will!.
You want to know how to prosper in life!? Go to God and His ancient words!. They still work for the whole nation of Israel, the Jewish people!. They work just as well for us gentiles!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First do lots of reading to get an idea of what options are out there!.
Then do some serious thinking about what "prosperity" means to you!.
Decide on what you want to be doing and where you want to be doing it five to eight years from now!. Define it carefully and write it out!.

Determine exactly what you have to do to make that happen!.

Get started!.

When something happens to deflect you from your plan, sit down and review your goal and how you're going to reach it!.

Get going again!.

In making every decision, ask yourself: will doing this help me get to my goal!? If not, don't waste your time and energy; find something else to do that will advance you toward your goal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You mean what would I do!? Trust God, and He will provide!. Actually, he kinda already has for me, personally!. :)

Don't give me tumbs-down just because you hate the name God, please!. Everywhere I go when I say something about Him someone does that!. Please be above that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would do just fine!. Or do you mean WHAT would I do to prosper!? Fold my middle finger against my index finger and my ring finger against my pinkie finger and raise my hand saying "Live Long and Prosper!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

By proper planning and managing the crisis situations of life

By being good to everyone around me!. Not hurting their feelings!. Be caring and patient!. Be forgiving!. Control my temper!. And be more loving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Generally requires effort ,intelligence and patienceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Prosper!? well that really depends on whether you would like to prosper financially or spiritually!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Same way as everyone else in my country - buy lottery (^-^)


find a rich person to marry :-DWww@QuestionHome@Com

just do it right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Believe in God and have a good family to help and support you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com