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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is true that we come into this world with a specific personal destiny?

Question: Is true that we come into this world with a specific personal destiny!?
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there are at least two major attempts to define destiny in the history of culture!.!.!. the first one is the concept of destiny as seen the ancient Latin-Greek tragedies, an external force which determines the actions of the hero (and that force can be embodied either by a god or by an authority - a king or a moral code, for instance)!. as the perception of the human self evolved, destiny became in the Classical tragedy an internal force!.!.!. the conflict between passion and reason the hero can't properly fight against!.!.!.

Later on, religion came to complete the two concepts, as free will for Catholics is much wider than free will for Protestants / Lutherans, God is less forgiving for the latter!.!.!.

In any case, to make the long story short, I believe in a type of destiny as a mixture of ethnic, genetic and cultural background, but also as a factor related to the sanity / insanity of the human subject!. In other words, both as an external and an internal force!. For instance, an European has to deal with different type of problems a black person from Africa or a Muslim would; however the mind of a schizophrenic will never heal, it can only be treated to some extent!. We can't change the color of the skin or the cultural inheritance we've been raised into and we can't fight against certain diseases!. Yet, in a world in which almost any frontier is relative by means of communication and information, we can ignore them or change some of them!.!.!.

That is free will!.!.!. on one part to be open enough to change your entire existence and your most treasured beliefs (or at least to tolerate other people's beliefs and way of life) according to the circumstances!.!.!. and on the other part to!.!.!. simply go to the doctor:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a question that is in the back of most philosophers, and at times, in the front!. If speak in natural philosophy, one get an answer on the negative or positive side of your question!. If you ask from a Christian point of view, only God knows!.

From a natural philosophy, if the question is answer yes, there is a specific personal destiny, I have never hear of a way to define what it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes to a certain extent - Each of us have a sort of unique KEY called genes!. Our genes hold different keys that determine certain things we will go through (health, personality, etc) Tis explains why some people are more violent than others, why some people have a lot of bad vibes and why some people have bad health despite eating well and exercizing - Our genes will determine a lot of things in life - scientists have not decoded it 100% and I wonder even if our genes hold the key as to how long we will live!.!.!.!.

I do think we have a certain destiny - and if you attempt to change it, there will be counter measures - Example - If on a specific day you were supposed to be in a car accident and that day decide NOT to take your car, you will perhaps die in a fire or another tragic event - certain things in life you can change but about 80% can't be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and No!.
Yes, in the sense that each of us is born with enormous potential and capabilities!. In our life's work, if we tap into that potential, we can recognize a destiny!. If we have awareness we can perceive a specific destiny, one might say!.

No, in the sense that it is highly presumptive to think there is one 'preset' path, established at birth, just 'waiting' for us to grow up and find!.

A marvelously diverse set of possible paths lie before us, and it's up to us to find a form of life-work that truly engages our intellect and energy, allowing us to 'follow our bliss' as Joseph Campbell would say!. If we allow ourselves to think "I should do this" because it might pay more money, or "I couldn't be a writer" out of fear of failure, we're not trusting our instincts - or ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess that unless the many worlds hypothesis is correct then there will only be one history, so you could say that we are destined to take a single path through space and time!.

So I would say yes, although it's impossible to know what our destiny is we will certainly each play our part in the story of the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No !. Only a genetic identity!. But even genetically identical e-coli bacteria develop different "lifestyles" (experimentally verified)!. We end up as unique and individual as snowflakes or fingerprints, but not from birth-- instead ongoing and constantly changing!. That is the MAGIC of living!. And NONE of what happens is predictable or knowable in advance, (not even by GOD,) because God built unique unpredictability into his/her/its universe!. Just as real estate is always unique, because no two parcels of land can be located in the same place, so no two life forms can be specifically identified from birth, because everything MOVES!. Life is motion!. Even two worms have different, unpredictable destinies and identities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe that for a minute!. I have deliberately changed my life direction twice (after first letting it "just happen" and finding I didn't like where I was headed)!.

Our lives are like a trip!. Those of us who choose to do so can and do select a destination and plan a route to get there!. It is true that sometimes our plan is disrupted by events, but if we keep the goal clearly in mind, we circumvent the obstacles and continue to move toward our goal!. The greatest pleasure in life is to make progress toward our objectives!.

Those who go through life letting it "just happen" are, in my view, like someone going for a drive with no particular objective in mind: they may see some nice scenery, but they're most likely to wind up in a dead end!.

I think of myself like a sail boat on a big lake!. Any piece of flotsam can just blow before the wind and wind up on the rocks -- but being a human being with a mind and a will is like being a boat with a sail -- we can use the wind and go any direction we are determined to go!. It's the set of the sail and not the gale that determines where we go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this is quite true!. I am only 21 but I look back at the past ten years and it is funny how life unfolds and how everything seems to happen for a reason!. It is almost as if things have happened that were out of my control that has now made me who I am and got me to where I am :)

Maybe this is why a lot of people have their own little ocd's and ideosynchrosies because we cannot always control the larger decisions and events in our lives so we focus on the smaller ones hehe ( just an idea )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that God makes a good future and plans for success for each of us and it depends on our choices as to how much of God's perfect plan we get into but God always had a way no matter how many times we fall we can get back up and he will help us and give us a good future and a reason to hope because e he is good and he promises it!. also I think he knows what we will end up choosing before we are born he knows the whole thing we will do but he still cares for us in each moment and he moves not because of his care but because of faith and because of prayers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that God has a specific plan for us to follow!. He knows what path we will take, but we still have our own free will to choose with path to take!. So if you wanted to, you could really mess up your life and make a lot of mistakes, but if you follow God, you will go down the right path!.

It's easier said than done!.

So basically!.!.!. I believe in both a free will and a destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, our personal destiny is not predetermined!. Life is what you make of it, based on the potential you've been given!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you assume that is true and ask for it to be shown to you, that means more than just speculating about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes! it's our choices and our reactions to those choices that determine where we finally end up!

mmm maybe!.!.!.!.but i definitely think you create your own destiny and luck!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

basicaly yes and changes with karmaWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that, I hope I find mine xWww@QuestionHome@Com



for ex , you talk to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, i see your vision too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes but only the one we create!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I believe that!. You are here for a reason!Www@QuestionHome@Com