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Position:Home>Philosophy> God? Evolution?

Question: God!? Evolution!?
whats your opinion on everything god!? evelotion big bang ect!?

are you ahiest!? or what!?

and if all else fails!.!.!. WHAT was before time was time!? what created the first of first!? everything is designed by something!.!.!. so what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that God created everything, and gave His creatures the ability to evolve over time!.

I'm a nondenominational Protestant!.

There was nothing but God before "time was time", I imagine!.

And as for the "big bang theory", that's a funny story (if you ask me) that makes no sense at all (nothing exploded into nothing that eventually became dinosaurs!? What in the world!.!.!.!?), so I have a hard time understanding why atheists would rather believe such a thing!.

Oh, how cute, someone got mad that I didn't say what they think, and they gave me a bad rating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who cares! This kind of question is bologna! Who cares what somebody believes or thinks!. We, as philosophers, care about what actually is true, not whether someone thinks or believes that it is!.

What you really want to know is which one is the case, right!? Well, this is difficult!. They're not incompatible contrary to what most assume!. Why is it impossible for a God to exist and have designed the process of evolution as it is said to be today!? Could God not be the Cosmic Deist!? The God who "winds up the clock" and watches it tick away (the God who creates the world and steps back and watches it "tick")!. Sure you have the Cosmological arguments of the Theists as well!. And, the question they ask Atheists: Why is there something rather than nothing!? Then, all the scientific evidence from the other camps!. A wise person goes with what actually is most probable!. Right now, contrary to what Atheists are aiming for, it isn't impossible for God to exist and evolution to be an actual occurring process in the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!.

You don't know!.

Nobody else knows, either!.

I know that everybody who's ever claimed to me that they DID know was after either my wallet or my freedom!. Sometimes both!.

If God created the universe, what created God!?

If one answers that God always existed, why not save a step and say the Universe always existed!?

If one answers that God created himself, why not save a step and say the Universe created itself!?

Personally, I think that if the universe was designed, it would be more efficient!. More habitable!. 99!.99999999999999999999% of the known universe would kill you instantly if you were plopped down in it!. We have 8 planets and 90+ moons in this solar system, and only one of them is habitable (and not even most of that one, Earth) That's not good planning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go back to the religion and spirituality section, where asking subjective questions like this one and choosing the answer that you agree with the most is standard practice!.

Because according to Yahoo's rules I have to answer your question, I'll point out that your idea of time is flawed!. You're applying the idea of "before" to shape which has none!. Only a shape ike a line can have a "before", a cube doesn't have a start!. The surface of a sphere doesn't have a center or corners, a Klein Bottle has no inside or outside!. It makes no sense to ask what came "before" the universe because time is part of space, the concept of "before" and "after" are meaningless if spacetime doesn't exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we exist in an ever-evolving, creative force of which we are a part!. The moment we mention words like "god", we immediately come up with a mental picture which diminishes the original concept of what that really is!. I try to keep away from descriptions, especially of this inconceivably infinite thing!. The best way to discover the truth behind your questions, is to slow your thoughts (meditation etc) and allow yourself to notice the creative source that flows through you!. i feel that it's beyond words and descriptions!. It just is - and when we slow long enough, we discover it has been there the whole time!. Surrender!. Your questions seen quite frantic!. Believe it or not, but you hold the answers to all the questions you ask!. Be still long enough to allow the answers to come through!. That's what I think anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh!. Every single civilization since time began has had a seven day work week!. Every civilization has a story of the flood and a man who saved animals!. Evolution is in violation of the second law of thermodynamics!. ETC!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know what I am!.

I guess an agnostic!?

All I really know about this life is that I'm here for a reason!.

I don't necessarilly worry about a God or creator!.

If the Creator exists then the entity will reveal itself in my life!.

I live my life by my choices and whatever happens in my life is a responds to my choices!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well!.!. mabe adam and eve were the first few human like creatures!. i mean why not!? if you can believe god made the earth and everything in it, why cant you believe he changed it too!?noone ever says that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no god, science is the closest to truth we will ever come
