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Question: Love!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?!?!?
How does it feel to love and be loved!.
What are the effects of not feeling loved, e!.g when your parents do not show you affection-i know they care but i dont feel loved!.
All I want is to love and be loved!. To how it feels to be loved!.
I feel like my parents' inability to be affectionate to me is affecting my ability to love negatively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll love you!. lol =)
lets hugWww@QuestionHome@Com

even though your parents love you they may not be demonstrative parents, always smiling and hugging- the sentimental stuff you see on screen!. mine are very affectionate, they just dont really know how to show it!. and thats okay, because love goes both ways and I can take comfort in having a strong and supportive family!.
and loving yourself, loving and being loved - it is amazing!. I am greatful for it always!. and you will always have that knowledge!. the demonstration (hugging, saying I love you) is all purely symbolic!. sorry Im not too good with the emotional thing

!.!.!.I'll give you a cyber hug if that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

You're RIGHT somewhat but you are also WRONG!.

I grew up in a family that did not show OUTWARD forms of LOVE!. Like you, I knew my parents loved me!. I NEVER got a hug from Mom or Dad yet I know they both loved me dearly!. How else did a premature baby make it to 64 years young!?!

I know Daddy loved me!. How else did I have all that I needed for school to help me mold and have a better life stead than he did!? So you see when we want the PHYSICAL show of LOVE, we're being selfish!. Many older parents did not have physical love themselves; hence, they do not KNOW how to give physical love!. However, they show LOVE in many different ways!.

However, I made up my mind that I would SHOW PHYSICAL love to my children (when I had them); and I did!. All my children received hugs, hugs and more hugs!. They also received verbal love through encouragement and positive remarks about their accomplishment (however small)!. So it is up to YOU to change things for YOUR children!.

Have your parents thrown you out on the street to fend for yourself!? I think not!. That's LOVE my dear Watson, pure and simple LOVE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

being loved!.!.!.thats when someone who is precious to you truely cares for you and would give anything to be apart of your life!.!.!.

when you know for a fact that youre in love is when you are around someone that you know without a doubt in your mind that they will always be there for you and cares for what you have to say and will just be there to listen if you need it!.!.!.

generally, love is a very complicated thing and you usually know when you feel it, even if youve never been shown love beforeWww@QuestionHome@Com

You got that right!.

I used to go on these Catholic retreats when I was a teenager and the priests would pump us full of God Love's us and we should appreciate how much our parents loved us and tell them how much we loved them!. Well they might as well have been saying beeblbrot to me because the word love wasn't exactly used in my house growing up!. So I went to my mom (my dad was too off-putting to even try,) and I said "I love you mom!." and she said "We don't say that!. People say 'I love you because they want something from you!.'" Well needless to say this made sense of it all!.

Now I know why I distrust people and treat those closest to me like dirt!. But as a consolation prize, I will tell you that life is about alot more than love and trust!. There is also failure, despair and misery!. Have a great day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well u can show love in so many ways! my parents never show me love but i know deep down that they care for me i dont really see them much as im in care but when ever i see them they always ask me if im okay!

u might not know how to love but when u meet the right person you will know then thats its love when i meet my boyfirend it was love at first sight i know you dont get much of that but we have been together for about a year and a half!.

they is sum one out they thats does love you but u just dont know it yet!.

i dint know what it felt like to be loved till i meet my boyfriend so it will be ur time soonWww@QuestionHome@Com

no body can explain how does it feel to be loved
u just gotta be loved to understand
the affects of not feeling loved is not to know what u must do
u can also create love for urself
when u love someone,give ur love to anybody or help the others
u feel that u love urself
and thats very important for everybody to love himself
Because love, brings loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

people have different opinions on this subject,but you shouldn't let your parents inability to be affectionate hamper with your ability to do so,Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you think of that person and they give u butterflys or when they are your favorite hello and your hardest good bye!. Really when you find love you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love cuddling <333
i never had a boyfriend to cuddle with yet but soon enough ill get one!
but im only 11 so im still younggWww@QuestionHome@Com

Love and fear tend to share a similar space at times and I can act accordingly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


GROUP HUG !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want to give you a cuddle!.