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Question: Thirst for knowledge!?
Is it possible to have a stronger thirst for knowledge when one is out of school!? also, does one's thirst for knowledge ever cease!?

For me, I have a strong thirst for knowledge- especially in foreign policy, economics, and human rights!. I like learning a lot and constantly have a thirst for knowledge!.!.!.and enjoy learning a bunch!. I guess its only increased over the years!.!.!.and I was wondering about thirst of knowledge in general b/c I was thinking about my own (and wondering why it has increased)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Welcome fellow seeker of truth!.!.!.

1) My thirst began in High-School, when my English Teacher told me to start reading anything and everything that I'm interested in!.

2) Raised as a protestant, my worldview therefore my reading selection revolved around mostly theistic-ideals and the like!.!.!.

3) Then I was exposed to an author who challenged his readers to read books and authors that were counter or against what you believe in!.

4) It was difficult to do so at first, but adventually I learned to absorb information without being absorbed by that information; or 'converted' by that information!.

5) All in all its helped my spirituality become more realistic; and now the mundane things that I may have never consdidered to be such in my life, take on a new spirtual significance!.

6) To increase your capacity for absorbing knowledge, rather then just the quanity of your knowledge; I like the author mentioned above would pass the gauntlet to you!.!.!.

7) Read books that are counter-intuitive or against your viewpoint straight from the horse's mouth(source)!.!.!.say your bent is toward economics and capitalism read books about and from Marx from a communist, first from the source of sources (Marx); then from authors that are pro-communism today; and take in their complaints of capitalism-economics, and the policies that pertain!.

8) Best of luck!.!.!.!.!. it's a hard-journey, yet an exciting one at that!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wasn't a serious student is school, much like a lot of great minds, and at 25 it has been realized that education is the source of our own development!. Knowledge is power only if it is activated by wisdom, knowledge in itself is vanity!. Socrates admitted that he knew nothing!. Knowledge is usually about something known, wisdom is being the known!. It doesn't take knowledge to be what one already is!. What are We!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your increased knowledge is wisdom (this is a mixture of knowldge and maturity)!. Knowledge increases with understanding and the thirst for knowlege is never quenched, that russian lady says on her site "Knowledge is sexy" in my opinnion she has more understanding than many proffesors I know!. Knowledge in isolation is useless, not being able to apply your knowledge is equally pointless!. Foreign policy would be good if we could use if for British progression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A serious investment of 20 hrs/week, five years, in a particular area, essentially qualifies one for "expert" status!.


"The Day I Became an Autodidact," Kendall Hailey!.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely,it doesn't have matter!.I'm just like in other side of the world & ifeel honor of that!.
also,i'm an econommist & i graduated from university,recently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It gets worse!. The more you learn the more you realise how little you know!. It's a lifelong condition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a good thing, and if you thirst for it, keep learning! It's the only way we're ever going to achieve anything on this darned planet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never seemed to care when I was young!.!.!.I love learning new things now!.

A wise person knows that there is always more to learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com