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Position:Home>Philosophy> One life your happy, one lifetime your kind of medium and one is sad?

Question: One life your happy, one lifetime your kind of medium and one is sad!?
what do you think of this!?
and there is no such thing as sin because god wants everyone to be happy and if your making your self happy, so what!.
not everyone in the world can be happy!. and every one person is born every one person dies!. we cant count how many snakes or moskitoes or lions there are in the world!.
you might be a jaguar next life or a cloud or you might be god or even be on another planet
do believe in this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i totally believe in whatever you sayWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe in reincarnation, but not into lesser life forms!. Life is a Karmic school were karmic lesson are to be learned!. In school you cannot go back a grade!. You remain where you are until you learn what is needed to go on to the next grade!. The Buddha taught that the only sin is ignorance and I believe it to be true!. God is fulfilling everything and everyones potential at every moment!. Mankind's problem is we don't know what happiness is or where its found, otherwise we would be all the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe in re-incarnation either!. If you are a Christian or a Muslim than chances are you believe in the Day of Judgement like myself!. The last day of the Universe God will determine the fates of all the people based on their belief and deeds!.

If you didn't believe in God when you died or did more bad deeds than you will be sent to hell for the rest of your life and on the contrrary if you died in belief than you willl be sent to paradise to live for your entire life!.

No re-incarnation in this!. That is more of a Hindu belief!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would diagree with the statement that not everyone in the world can be happy!. I believe that happiness comes from inside, its not circumstantial!. Even the richest people in the world are severely unhappy!. So to find happiness is to find it in yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not believe in reincarnation, there is one life here, and then the next there, depending upon how you scored in this one, to which room you will advance to in the next one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reincarnation is bs, but if that makes you feel better about my raw deal, go for it!. Just don't blame people who suffer or dismiss their pain, and then I don't care what kind of drivel gets you through the night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com