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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes criticizing so much more rewarding than praising?

Question: What makes criticizing so much more rewarding than praising!?
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Criticising in a positive way can be useful, and praising is good but with no facts behind it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In general, it's just easier to point out the faults of others rather than praising others!. I don't think that it is more rewarding!. In the long run it is less rewarding!. The type of person who does this is simply pointing out faults in others to either feel better about their own shortcomings, or because that's how they were raised and they don't know any better!. Eventually, this person will alienate others because who wants to be around somebody who only criticizes!? Some reward, huh!?

On the other hand, the person who finds and points out positive things about other people will be welcome into many more hearts and homes!. This is much more rewarding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Criticizing can be a way of informing another, of teaching what you know and the other appears not to know (or has forgotten)!. If criticism is done well, it will feel good not only to you but to the other person as well!. It carries its benefits into the future, as one party has taught something and the other has learned something!. Praising is simple reinforcement of something that has been done well!. It feels good to both parties, but only in the short term, with little long-term impact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what do you mean by "criticism!?" well, if it's constructive, then i think criticism is much more rewarding than praise because there's more room to grow and expand your mind regarding other ways to do/view things!.
praise, while nice to receive, basically keeps you where you are!. sort of like the more popular you are, the less incentive you feel to do something different from the norm!. so you stand in the same place and aren't given as much room to grow- other ways of viewing and doing things apart from your own!.
hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it is more rewarding, but in the instant it does seem to boost your ego more because you feel like you've succeeded where another person failed (or that you get it, and they don't)!. Praise reaps much greater benefits though because you not only feel good when you give it (if the person is worthy of it), but it also helps social bonds, which benefit you as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find as I get older I am more critical of myself than others because I feel I should know better!. When I see someone younger making a mistake I tend to tell them the wrong I did doing the same!. I find that pointing the finger at myself helps to give advice!. Young people seem to appreciate advice in that manner rather than because I told you so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends entirely upon circumstance and the manner in which it is done, both the former or the latter!.

To answer your question, the ego!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it makes you feel higher than the person you are criticizing!.
When you do low things like admit you are wrong or admit defeat, it hurts inside because your value goes down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ego's inflation and it belief that is always right!. That is why personal views are hard to let go and are heavily defended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People with low self-esteems criticizeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why do some like milk more then others!?Www@QuestionHome@Com