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Question: Music and a mobile home!?!?!?
I love music it is half of my life!. I also love making music with a guitar and drums!. But i love travelling and seeing lots of new and interesting places!. What i would like to know is how many of you think travelling in a brand new motorhome around the UK europe and even the world and making music to buy food and luxuries without owning my own home!. Is this a good idea, could it ever happen, any extra ideas for me to take onboard!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That has always been my dream and plan, and if you possess a certain stubborn but optimistic spirit, I am convinced it can be done! You're probably not gonna find fame and fortune, but that is not what you are looking for either, I presume!. It is impossible to say how it will turn out, but there is only one way to find out! Get a mobile home with which you can travel relatively light, bring your instruments (leave the drumset at home maybe!?) and see what happens! Try it for a few months! You might have to go hungry here and there, you might have to find yourself parked in some random town in Belgium for a few weeks until you get a new gig, or you might have to walk into hotel breakfast buffets and pretend you are a guest (I've tried, it works!.!.!.!! If the hotel is big enough, they will serve you the most delicious breakfast!. For free!.) or you might even find yourself having to do sleezy covers of Knocking on Heaven's Door, but what the hell! You'll be enjoying every second of it! And if it absolutely does not work, sell the mobile and take a flight back home!. Worst case scenario, you'll be left with a bunch of fine stories for collegues and grandchildren alike, as well as experience, inspiration and everlasting satisfaction!.!.!.!. if that is not everything a musician could want, I don't know what is!.

All the best of luck!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me personally no because I am not a good musician!. But for you maybe, if you actually can make money now then you will probably be able to make money later on!. This also sadly depends on if people like your music or not!. Play for a different crowd unlike friends so you can get a real feel of what the public will think of you!. It all isn't about the music either, you have to have money saved RIGHT NOW so if your plan doesn't work out and you can't bounce back right away you will have something to live off of!. Don't forget about how much it will cost to travel, for how much gas is you could be spending way more than you bargained for!. That is all I can really think of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you can do whatever your heart desires! best wishes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com