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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible to step on the "exact same" body of water twice?

Question: Is it possible to step on the "exact same" body of water twice!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bill P: Does a stream not fall under the class "body of water"!?

We cannot step into the same body of water twice because once you pick your foot up and put it down new water is flowing there!. Great! Heraclitus' famous line!. Unfortunately he wasn't around long enough to read Aristotle's writing "On Sophistical Refutations"!. There is a fallacy called "The Fallacy of Composition" which reasons from the parts of a whole to the whole itself!. However, this does not necessarily grant us a sound, logical deduction!. For, the parts of a football team (the players) may very well be good, but it doesn't follow that the team itself will be good!. It's possible that all these good players try and prove themselves to be better to one another rather than playing as a team, and while they all may be good, together they may become bad as a team!. So, simply because the water is not the same in a flowing river, or stream, wherever I put my foot down, then pick it back up, then put it back down once again doesn't necessarily mean that the whole body of water isn't the same just because that part has new water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I think so!. Lake Superior is a body of water, I've stepped in it in the eighties and I could go back and step on it again!.
An interesting note here on that!.!.!. if you urinate in Lake Superior it would take over two hundred years for the last of your urine to finally exit the lake!!! A piece of scientific information I came across last month!. That means the water you see at the shores and walk in on the beaches of the lake aren't going to be gone from the lake for more than two hundred years!
So I would have to say that "yes" you can walk on the same body of water twice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ahaaaaaa! I'm stumped!. I'm thinking!. Looked at the comments!. I'm still thinking!. There has got to be a right answer somewhere!. I am going by the word possible!. I think everything is possible!. Maybe not for me, but somebody!. So being ignorant to more facts, but based on the word possible, I conclude the answer is, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only if it's frozen solid, and depending on how
'exact' you want to be, maybe not even then!.

Change is the indicator of time, and you can't have
the "exact same" moment twice!.

Is it possible to be the "exact same" person twice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on what you mean by "same"!.

You can step into the same body of water if you mean same by its name!.

You cannot if you are referring to its exact molecular state at the moment you first stepped into it!.

So, your choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

location-wise, yes!. but physically inside the water, no!. things are constantly changing in the sea and it'd tough to step on the same body of water, naturally!. inside a lab is different, because the conditions are controlledWww@QuestionHome@Com

you cannot even step into the same once, because when you step into it, your foot moves the water and it changes already by stepping into it!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

"You cannot step into the same river twice" - Heraclitus, Greek philosopher!.

Course, don't believe it just because he said it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you say "body of water," perhaps!. It is impossible to step in the same stream twice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes, if it is frozen water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes if you see it as its basic elements!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, an iceberg!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it were not possible, would God be a liar!?Www@QuestionHome@Com